Palavras chave

Change, globalization, renovation, digital convergence, digital television


XXI Century television is undergoing a process of transformation. New actors, new products and new ways of consuming television are on the lookout. Interactivity will make the traditional concept of television disappear. Television viewers can design their own grids independently of the operator’s schedule. The convergence of television and computer, Internet, telephone and video games bring us a new concept of television. Television faces two big transformations: digital transformation and that of the concept of «general public». The computer, the computer screen, has the calling of turning into a reception screen in which both computer and television functions fuse. Latest generation mobile telephony is integrating itself is this multimedia complex, in connection with television. Future television cannot dissociate from the Internet.



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Como citar

Ortiz-Sobrino, M. (2005). Television, globalization and social change. [Televisión, globalización y cambio social]. Comunicar, 25, 79-85.



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