Ключевые слова

Reality television reality, public, televoting, high surveillance


This congress communication tries to develop a brief contents study about some of the paradigmatic reality programs with a qualitative analysis of their receipt. Hereby, it wants to study which are the main thematic topics that appear in this kind of programs across the representation of their contesters and which is the public opinion in the moment to pronounce sentence. Because under the decisions of the viewers’ telephone votes there is not only the luck of the competitors, but also the luck of our television and our own society point of view



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Как процитировать

Jiménez-Morales, M. (2005). The viewers’ judgement about television reality narratives. [El teléfono de Damocles: sobre el juicio del telespectador ante el relato de la telerrealidad Damocles’ telephone]. Comunicar, 25. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-049



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