Ключевые слова

Television, youngs, education


Our communication - after stating that not in the information that the mass media emit on trash TV, not in the big agreements that are taking the youth movements are present-, it tries to investigate on the opinions and the attitudes a certain group of pupils of an Institute of Secondary Education. For it, we have realized a questionnaire, have analyzed the results and present a few conclusions that, though we do not claim extrapolar, can have interest for this Congress from Communication and Education and for the social debate on trash TV.



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Как процитировать

Fuentes-Romero, E. (2005). Youngsters in front of the telerubbish: case study. [Los jóvenes ante la telebasura: estudio de caso]. Comunicar, 25. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-069



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