Ключевые слова
Media education, critical analysis, producing conditions, genres of «simulation of reality»
In order to develop the viewers’ critical thinking we must analyze the media and our viewing habits. Media Education uses the model of key concepts. We can talk about four main key concepts: Production, Language, Audiences and Representations. Among them, the Production is commonly the less studied, it should, however, play a key role on our program choices. As a case study, this paper aims to apply this model of analysis to what we call «simulation of reality genres», one of the most popular and polemical television genre.
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Tucho-Fernández, F. (2005). Genres of «simulation of reality»: Production as a key concept for the analysis of media products. [Los géneros de «simulación de realidad»: la producción como concepto clave en el análisis de los productos mediáticos]. Comunicar, 25. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-096