Ключевые слова
TV news, social education, entertainment, audio-visual social impact
The arrival of private TV channels and the Internet has brought about changes within news broadcasting in Spain . Whereas use of language was previously deemed essential to convey the message to the public, emphasis is now placed on the image the TV viewer receives. New technology and a desire to learn about the world around us has made these programmes a regular guaranteed feature within TV audience ratings for the channel. This report questions whether TV news should educate as well as inform, or simply entertain the viewer.
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Marín-Lladó, C. (2005). Is television news an informative and educational programme or just a way of entertainment?. [¿Es el informativo un programa educativo y de conocimiento o es sólo un espacio de entretenimiento?]. Comunicar, 25. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-139