Ключевые слова
Quality TV, multimedia, television contents, children’s protect
In a context where television programs are becoming more and more defined by concepts such as Marketing and Consumption due to the fact that the audiovisual business is in the hands of a few companies, many of which are made up of international capital funds, the need for a state acting as regulator of activities leading to quality TV programming is evident. This presentation aims to explain the main characteristics of Argentine TV programming as a consequence of the privatization process which has brought about the appearance of Multimedia to explain the role the State should play in order to protect the citizens.
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Luna, M. (2005). Argentine television programming and the absent state: companies vs citizens´rights. [La programación televisiva argentina y el estado ausente: las empresas frente a los derechos ciudadanos]. Comunicar, 25. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-155