Ключевые слова
Education, communication, television, social movements
The goal of this paper is to reflect on the tv contents refering to popular social movements in Brazil from a TV critical reading with enphasis on the Landless Rural Workers Movement. (MST) due to its relevant presence in the Bazilian society since the decade of 1980. From the decade of 1980, the MST conquered space on the main newspapers pages in Brazil as well as on the TV networks, as Globo network, the major audience in the country. It is evident in the country democratization context the space social movements have been getting in the media; otherwise, the democratization process of information has been slow, since the images and contents selected to be presented bear the ideology that priorizes values related to the property. From the analysis of the contents distributed on TV about the Landless Parade to Brasilia, this year, we will reflect on education and communication, trying to demonstrate how the social movement develops its emancipatory educational aspect via community radio and how TV can be a resource used to enrich curriculum, particularly in discussions about land concentration in the country or how TV can be a medium of dominant ideology knowledge diffusion, therefore, it contributes to prejudice against popular movements. Considering that Brazil is a country which has a significant number of illiterates (complete or functional), the question is: which is the contributionof TV to people critical formation regarding the popular movement? TV has been suffering the democratization process in terms of information distribution, even because of the hard action of social movements in the search of visibility; but the contents, to which interests do the words used in the news documentaries and the images priorized answer? In a period of so many proposals and reflections about critical education and information circulation in real time, how can TV contribute to human formation in a critical view? What is the importance of the educator critical formation in the work with TV contents in the classroom? From the Castell’s (1999) ideas about the social movements in the complex societies and informalization? We will weave an analysis of the MST by the TV images and the possibilities in the schooling curriculum. From Martin-Barbero’s (2002), Morán’s (1993), Souza’s (1995) and Soares’s (1996) ideas on education, communication and reception, mainly in hybrid cultures as Latin American ones, we will reflect on the need of the educator formation on mass media critical reading, particularly of TV, aiming to indicate guidelines to work with TV as a positive educational medium regarding the change of value of the social movements.
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de-Souza, M., & Bueno, I. (2005). Social popular movements from critical reading of television contents. [Movimientos sociales populares a partir de la lectura crítica de los contenidos televisivos]. Comunicar, 25. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-163