Palavras chave

Communicative ecosystem, communicative regime, cultural change


When television begins to be part of the communicative regime en 20th century society, it has had a long process of insertion, appropriation and use. This process acts complementary or opposite to another elements of established communicative ecosystem. This article points to show how a reduced version that have seen only an instrumental use or merely direct effects or influences between television and school have lost the way as those tensions have changed the howl communicative ecosystem. Then, more than instrumentalization or right uses of media we must board the social production of significance field generated by that tensions, and the location where it can be identified changes suffered by communicative ecosystem and transformations in hegemonic power inside epoch communicative regime.


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Gutiérrez, E. (2005). TV and School: understanding communicative ecosystem. [Televisión y escuela: comprender el ecosistema comunicativo]. Comunicar, 25.



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