Ключевые слова
Technology, narrating, interactivity, language
As in its time, printing, and nowadays Internet, TV has contributed to the birth of new educational scenarios and at the same time has generated a new structure in communication between human beings. If we take José Manuel Pérez Tornero’s statement: «… tension between knowledge engendered within school and the one produce outside this one, has been increasing in detriment of the first one», then we can’t denied that TV has challenged flexibility and creativity in our society, and particularly in our educational institutions, in order to acknowledge the new technological phenomenon. If we take account that every new technology creates crisis in the paradigms and subsequently re-constructs the mental representations of the human beings, is it not the time of seriously thinking that a new infant-subject exists, more in concurrence with our times, and re-define wich are the more precise and coherent educational practices in our new reality? School is a technology specifically shaped to hold what we think as formal scholar education. In itself is an artificial construction, that have a tendency to re-create simulated activities as if they were real, under a scholar learning form so that, when is incorporated, students may use it in a different context than school, more real and on a daily basis. Academic situations are measured by a more qualify subject named teacher, who posses not only the tools and strategies to improve knowledge construction, but the intentions to consciously used them with that purpose. On the contrary, who works in TV dedicated to children is functioning as an educator, although socially is incapable to perform this role, or even is not consciously intending to do this. The intersection field between education systems and TV, generates a gap that needs a reconsideration.
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Temporelli, W. (2005). The challenge within the mass-media’s affaire: a change inside the representations which constructs knowledge. [El desafío de la seducción catódica: cambio representacional en la construcción del conocimiento]. Comunicar, 25. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-175