Ключевые слова

Communitarian media, practical comunicacionais, education and production of knowledge


This text intends to present some Brazilian experiences of use of the audiovisual language - TVs communitarian, TVs of street - from two projects: the communicative TV Maxambomba and TV Pinel and its ecosystems. From my insertion as member of its respective teams, I have searched interlocutions between the knowledge that these works had propitiated me and the questions that make the rounds to make pedagogical daily of many Brazilian schools. Questions that become related with the quarrels on the television, the uses of the audiovisual language in practical comunicacionais with small groups, the chore with the tensions of the intercultural relations and the possibilities to think on the production of knowledge.


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Filé, V. (2005). Brazilian experiences with communitarian TVs. [Experiências brasileiras com TVs comunitárias]. Comunicar, 25. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-211



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