
Media education, projects, institutions, training, future


Education about the media has been developing in the UK for at least 40 years. Various accounts of that history can be found elsewhere; this paper will just attempt to sketch out key features of the current scene, and to point readers to sources of more substantial information. Given that I work for the British Film Institute, a key player in this field, there is bound to be some bias in this account towards the BFI’s perspective: my defence is that, as every media educator knows, no account is ever completely unbiased.


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Aguaded Gomez, Jose Ignacio; Diaz Gomez, Rocio. Educating critical TV viewers in secondary school REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2008.

Bazalgette, Cary. Analogue Sunset. The Educational Role of the British Film Institute, 1979-2007 COMUNICAR, 2010.

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Bazalgette, C. (2007). Media education in the UK. [La educación en los medios en el Reino Unido]. Comunicar, 28, 33-41.



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