
Proffesional placements, university, education, media studies, students


More and more media students complete their studies with professional placements every year. At the same time, each year more universities include such experience as an integral part of their curricula. This is in recognition of the fact that a learning process takes place during placements. Therefore, universities offering such training placements have to accept some responsibility for their success. Universities need to be aware of what students do during these periods of training in order to face the challenge posed by this responsibility. By doing this, universities will know which things need to be improved. This paper aims to generate debate on the following topic: the first work experience of media students should be fully educational and should transfer knowledge, skills and social engagement.


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Lamuedra-Graván, M. (2007). Media students, professional placements, University and the learning challenge. [Estudiantes de Periodismo y prácticas profesionales: el reto del aprendizaje]. Comunicar, 28, 203-211.



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