Ключевые слова
Communication, glance, voyeur, photographic act, vision tools
Both the glance as a starting point and the film «Rear window», by A. Hichcock, as a guide will take us to the study of the roles played by different tools in the act of seeing. Binoculars, windows, photographic cameras and their accessories will all reduce the difficulties found while trying to apprehend the reality in a game where the voyeur is the protagonist. The paper also remarks the fact that the communicative process won´t be fulfilled unless the duality of looking at/being looked at appears.
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Parejo-Jiménez, N. (2007). The communication through glance: the difficulties apprehending reality. [La comunicación a través de la mirada: las dificultades de aprehender la realidad]. Comunicar, 29, 109-114. https://doi.org/10.3916/C29-2007-15