Ключевые слова

University tutoring, virtual tools, on-line tutoring, educational sequence


The main idea of this paper is to propose a way for planning some electronic tools which are currently present in e-learning platforms. Every step of the proposal is illustrated by a real example of students from the Education Degree Course or Psycho- Education Postgraduate Course of The University of The Basque Country. Thus, an attempt is made to offer a way to reflect on the planning and management of the online tutoring of the subject.


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Как процитировать

Ezeiza-Ramos, A. (2007). On-line tutoring at university: a proposal for the sequencing of electronic tools. [Tutoría on-line en el entorno universitario]. Comunicar, 29, 149-156. https://doi.org/10.3916/C29-2007-21



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