Ключевые слова

Environmental education, training teachers, newspapers, didactic resource, conceptual knowledge, acttitudinal change


In spite of the repeated recommendations of the UNESCO to integrate the use of mass media in the education, the most teachers ignore their great possibilities as a didactic resource. In this work we present a new didactic strategy, alternative to the traditional methodology, which shows in practice the use of newspapers as a didactic resource in the training of environmental education teachers. We also analyze the changes in the conceptual knowledge and environmental attitudes that this methodology brings to the students.


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Vilchez; Jose Eduardo;. Environmental problems in the media. Proposal for a protocol of analysis for use as a teaching resource ENSENANZA DE LAS CIENCIAS , 2009.

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Álvarez-Suárez, P. (2007). Newspapers as a didactic resource for the environmental education. [La prensa como recurso en educación ambiental: análisis de una experiencia]. Comunicar, 29, 165-172. https://doi.org/10.3916/C29-2007-23



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