Ключевые слова

Critical thinking, higher education, intellectual skills, educating observation


How should we observe? How should we learn to observe, to be able to think critically about the images that surround and invade our interior? How should we perform so that the future professionals of education may also educate their way of observing? In this paper the author expresses his proposal about how to develop critical thinking, following the six intellectual skills that shape critical thinking which appear in the Delphi report, using the television series «The Boarding School».


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Navarro, C., Quispe, C., Sotelo, F., Barros, R.. Analysis of Design Thinking activities as educational tool to promote critical thinking in university students), Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 1st International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies on Education and Research, ICALTER 2021, .


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Как процитировать

Azaústre-Serrano, M. (2008). Learn to observe: «The Boarding School», a proposal for developing critical thinking. [Aprender a mirar: «El internado», una propuesta para el pensamiento crítico]. Comunicar, 31. https://doi.org/10.3916/c31-2008-03-032



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