Ключевые слова

Media education, television, digital literacy


Changes taking place in the current media scenery will affect the television as mass media decisively. Maybe students and the rest of the people should be educated not only as critical viewers, but also as creators and producers of audiovisual messages, as users of interactive media, as part of audiovisual experiences in cyberspace. In this paper the author revises the key aspects of media education (including television, of course), explores to what extent they are still valid nowadays and what new changes are required in the digital age


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Цитаты в Web of Science

Gutierrez Martin, Alfonso; Tyner, Kathleen. Media Education, Media Literacy and Digital Competence COMUNICAR, 2012.


Цитаты в Scopus

Rivera-Rogel, D., Zuluaga-Arias, L.I., Ramírez, N.M.M., Romero-Rodríguez, L.M., Aguaded, I.. Media competencies for the citizenship training of teachers from Andean America: Colombia, Ecuador), Paideia, .


Gutiérrez, A., Tyner, K.. Educación para los medios, alfabetización mediática y competencia digital), Comunicar, .


Labio-Bernal, A., García-Orta, M.J., Romero-Domínguez, L.R., García-Prieto, V. . Digital Information skills, Media literacy and journalism in Spain. A case study on the "Press in Schools" project | [Competencia digital informacional, alfabetización mediática y periodismo. Un análisis de caso a través del proyecto "La Prensa en las escuelas"]), Icono14, .


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Как процитировать

Gutiérrez-Martín, A. (2008). Media education in the digital age. [Educar para los medios en la era digital]. Comunicar, 31. https://doi.org/10.3916/c31-2008-03-034



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