Ключевые слова

Media Literacy, media communication, education and TV, critical point of view


Three characteristics of the TV language justify the need for media literacy: the emotional nature of images, the stories, which are written to draw the attention of the viewer, and the high speed of rhythm in most of the stories. These characteristics generate replies from the emotion rather than from reflection which makes media literacy necessary in order to improve the children´s capacity to keep at a distance from the messages received and to be critical and creative as TV viewers. The tools offered to achieve these objectives bring get them a new way of enjoyment: the possibility of taking the keys to the TV messages for themselves and producing their own new messages.


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Vicente-Encinas, J. (2008). TV is our business. [La TV es cosa nuestra]. Comunicar, 31. https://doi.org/10.3916/c31-2008-03-038



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