Ключевые слова

Media, TV, programs, education, messages analysis, educational guidance


In this work, we reflect on the presence of the television in people’s lives and the need to promote the regularization of television programmes, as well as the literacy of our children and youth so that they acquire the necessary competences to develop an intelligent, active and critical consumption of the television. The role of the administrations, families, educators and TV viewers themselves is also outlined.


Masterman, L. (1993): La enseñanza de los medios de comunicación. Madrid, La Torre.

Link Google Scholar

Méndez, J.M. y Monescillo, M. (1997): «Acción tutorial y orientación para consumir televisión», en AGUADED, J.I. (Dir.): La otra mirada a la tele. Pistas para un consumo inteligente de la televisión. Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Trabajo e Industria; 217-225.

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Méndez-Garrido, J. (2008). Teaching to watch TV is our business. [Enseñar a ver la TV es cosa de todos]. Comunicar, 31. https://doi.org/10.3916/c31-2008-03-063



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