Ключевые слова

Audience, gender stereotypes, advertising, reception studies


This article aims to outline the positive assessments made by the public, through the service of the Catalan Women’s Institute (ICD) on speeches containing media representations of gender. It is a way to illustrate how the products of cultural industries are part of the audience’s social imaginary and how it is able to identify and assess constructive representations of gender. The media and audience as agents of social change suggest ways of teaching on gender issues. Finally, the text encourages us to think about the possibility of creating and enhancing educational strategies to form a critical audience that generates proposals, guidelines, a discourse on gender according to social reality.


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Energici, M.-A.. Women’s silhouettes in the media: Aesthetics for subjectivation ), Dados, .


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García-Muñoz, N., & Martínez-García, L. (2009). The positive representation of the image of women in the media. [La representación positiva de la imagen de las mujeres en los medios]. Comunicar, 32, 209-214. https://doi.org/10.3916/c32-2009-03-002



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