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引述 Web of Science

Chicharro-Merayo, Mar; Gomez-Garcia, Salvador. Memory of a Coup d'Etat: historical fiction about February 23rd CONVERGENCIA-REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES, 2014.

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Castro, Deborah; Straubhaar, Joseph D.. Social Issues and TV Scripted Fiction: An Exploration of Fans' Feedback in Spain INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2018.

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Chicharro-Merayo, Mar. Spanish history and female characters. Representations of women in Spanish historical fiction CONVERGENCIA-REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES, 2018.


Chicharro Merayo, Mar. Serial Fiction on TV: A Quantitative and Qualitative Approach to Consumption by Students of the Audiovisual Communication Program. The Spanish Case PALABRA CLAVE, 2017.


引述 Scopus

Chicharro-Merayo, M.. April 14, the Republic: The Spanish intra-history seen from the TV fiction [14 de abril, La República: la intrahistoria española desde la ficción televisiva]), Palabra Clave, .


Chicharro-Merayo, M., Gómez-García, S.. Memory of a coup d'État: Historical fiction about February 23 rd [Memoria de un golpe de estado televisivo: Ficción histórica sobre el 23-F]), Convergencia, .

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Huguet, M.. Images of the past intervened by the TV historical fiction of the present. Sentimental memory of the first Francoism (1939-1959) [Imágenes del pasado intervenido por la ficción histórica televisiva del presente. Memoria sentimental del primer Franquismo (1939-1959)]), Foro Hispanico, .


Menéndez Menéndez, M.I., Figueras-Maz, M., Núñez Angulo, B.F.. Young adult consumption, perception of TV fiction: Sex-, age-based influence [Consumo y percepción juvenil sobre la ficción seriada televisiva: Influencia por sexo y edad]), OBETS, .


Merayo, M.C.. Serial fiction on TV: A quantitative, qualitative approach to consumption by students of the audiovisual communication program. The Spanish case [Ficciones seriadas en televisión: Aproximación cuantitativa y cualitativa al consumo de los estudiantes de Comunicación Audiovisual. El caso español]), Palabra Clave, .


Castro, D., Straubhaar, J.D.. Social issues, TV scripted fiction: An exploration of fans' feedback in Spain), International Journal of Communication, .

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Blanco-Herrero, D., Rodríguez-Contreras, L.. The risks of new technologies in Black Mirror: A content analysis of the depiction of our current socio-technological reality in a TV series), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, .


Morante, L.F.M.. Memories, Drama, Dreamers: Proposals to Address the Representation of the Latin World in the Face of the Telenovela Crisis), Bulletin of Latin American Research, .


Martínez, B.R., Buzón, P.P. . Teaching intersectionality: Reception of a movie at a workers' center | [Educar desde la interseccionalidad: Recepción de una película en un centro de trabajadores]), Norteamerica, .


Chicharro-Merayo, M.. Historia española y personajes femeninos. Representaciones de mujer en la ficción histórica española [Spanish history, female characters. Representations of women in Spanish historical fiction]), Convergencia, .


引述 Google Scholar





Chicharro-Merayo, M. (2011). Learning from television fiction. The reception and socialization effects from watching «Loving in troubled times». [Aprendiendo de la ficción televisiva. La recepción y los efectos socializadores de «Amar en tiempos revueltos»]. Comunicar, 36, 181-190. https://doi.org/10.3916/C36-2011-03-10



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