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引述 Web of Science

Sandoval Romero, Yamile; Aguaded Gomez, Jose Ignacio. NEW HEARINGS, NEW RESPONSIBILITIES. The media competition in the era of digital convergence REVISTA ICONO 14-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE COMUNICACION Y TECNOLOGIAS, 2012.


Garcia-Ruiz, Rosa; Sandoval, Yamile; Ahumada, Cesar de Cos. The media literacy in professional training. Inclusion porpoise EDMETIC, 2013.


Sandoval-Romero, Yamile; Aguaded Gomez, Jose Ignacio. Habits and consumption of media in children of Cali (Colombia). Real answers using the audience's ethnography IJERI-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND INNOVATION, 2016.

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Serna Collazos, Andrea; Hernandez Garcia, Mauricio; Sandoval-Romero, Yamile; Manrique-Grisales, Jorge. Cultural Media Consumption Practices in Young Colombian Students: A Pilot Study DIXIT, 2018.


Rodriguez-Rosell, Maria M.; Castro-Zubizarreta, Ana; Carmen Caldeiro-Pedreira, Maria. Initial approaches to media competition from an early age EDUCATE FOR NEW MEDIA: KEYS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETITION MEDIA IN THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT, 2018.

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Megias-Delgado, M; De-Casas-Moreno, P and Paramio-Perez, G. Advertising and media competence for environmental education in primary school students ALTERIDAD-REVISTA DE EDUCACION, 2019.


Caldeiro Pedreira, Mari Carmen; Torres-Toukoumidis, Angel; Romero-Rodriguez, Luis M.; Aguaded, Ignacio; . THE NOTION OF EDUCOMMUNICATION IN INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS VIVAT ACADEMIA, 2019.


Serna Collazos, Andrea; Hernández García, Mauricio; Sandoval-Romero, Yamile;. Dixit , 2018.


Díaz-Campo, Jesús; Fernández-Gómez, Erika;. Observatorio (OBS*) , 2017.

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引述 Scopus

Díaz-Campo, J., Fernández-Gómez, E.. Gender stereotypes, children's socialization: Toy advertisements through Facebook in Spain [Estereotipos de género y socialización del menor: La publicidad de juguetes a través de Facebook en España]), Observatorio, .

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引述 Google Scholar





Sánchez-Carrero, J., & Sandoval-Romero, Y. (2012). Keys to recognizing the levels of critical audiovisual reading in children. [Claves para reconocer los niveles de lectura crítica audiovisual en el niño]. Comunicar, 38, 113-120. https://doi.org/10.3916/C38-2012-03-02



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