Ключевые слова

Virtual communities, youth culture, digital society, participation, democratization, media contents, virtual worlds


This work presents a research study designed to analyse the development of power relations in a virtual world, known as Habbo Hotel, aimed at the child and teenage market. What motivated this work was the desire to under­stand how this company wielded its power through the different agents responsible for taking decisions on the behaviour of the users within this virtual world. Simultaneously, this research went deeply into the type of lessons learnt by users as to citizenship springing from the behaviour rules imposed by the company owning this space. In order to understand what young people were learning about the wielding of power, and the prototype model citizen within the virtual world, we analyse the systems of rules that govern what users can or cannot do, and we proceed to analyse the contents of spaces in which users will talk about the reasons why the company had expelled them from Habbo Hotel. The findings of this work reveal that the application of rules on the part of the company results in the experience inside this virtual world not always being fun, democratic, creative, participative or completely satisfying. This thus questions some of the main arguments proposed by different writers on these new forms of communication.


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Burnett, Cathy. Being together in classrooms at the interface of the physical and virtual: implications for collaboration in on/off-screen sites LEARNING MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016.


Ranieri, Maria; Fabbro, Francesco. Questioning discrimination through critical media literacy. Findings from seven European countries EUROPEAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL, 2016.


Recalde-Viana, Monica; Sadaba-Chalezquer, Charo; Gutierrez-Garcia, Elena. Telecommunication Industry Contributions to Child Online Protection COMUNICAR, 2015.


Bautista Garcia-Vera, Antonio. Make visible the production and reproduction with digital hybrids in lifelong teacher education PROFESORADO-REVISTA DE CURRICULUM Y FORMACION DE PROFESORADO, 2015.

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Цитаты в Scopus

Cabalin, C.. Online, mobilized students: The use of Facebook in the Chilean student protests), Comunicar, .


García Vallinas, E.. Media, Informational training as content of peace education [La capacitación mediática e informativa como contenido de la educación para la paz]), Historia y Comunicacion Social, .


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Ranieri, M., Fabbro, F.. Questioning discrimination through critical media literacy. Findings from seven European countries), European Educational Research Journal, .


Burnett, C.. Being together in classrooms at the interface of the physical, virtual: implications for collaboration in on/off-screen sites), Learning, Media, Technology, .


Martín-Gutiérrez, J., Mora, C.E., Añorbe-Díaz, B., González-Marrero, A.. Virtual technologies trends in education), Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, .


Figueras-Maz, M., Tortajada Giménez, I., Willem, C.. Patterns of post-feminist representation in Girls. Analysis of constructed meanings by fans, haters [Patrones de representación posfeministas en Girls. Análisis de los significados construidos por fans y detractores]), Oceanide, .

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Aparici, R., García-Marín, D.. Prosumers, emirecs: Analysis of two confronted theories), Comunicar, .


Blasco-Serrano, A.C., Lacruz, J.L., Sarsa, J.. Students' perception of flipped classroom through the use of social networks, classroom response systems [Percepción de los estudiantes al 'invertir la clase' mediante el uso de redes sociales y sistemas de respuesta inmediata]), Revista de Educacion a Distancia, .


Dishon, G., Kafai, Y.B.. Connected civic gaming: rethinking the role of video games in civic education), Interactive Learning Environments, .


Cuervo Sánchez, S.L., Foronda Rojo, A., Rodríguez Martínez, A., Medrano Samaniego, C.. Media, information literacy: a measurement instrument for adolescents), Educational Review, .


José Planells, A.. Video games, the crowdfunding ideology: From the gamer-buyer to the prosumer-investor), Journal of Consumer Culture, .


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Альтернативные метрики

Как процитировать

Buckingham, D., & Rodríguez-Hoyos, C. (2013). Learning about power and citizenship in an online virtual world. [Aprendiendo sobre el poder y la ciudadanía en un mundo virtual]. Comunicar, 40, 49-58. https://doi.org/10.3916/C40-2013-02-05



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