
Videoarticle, scientific publication, MOOCs, communication, journals, ubiquity, digital formats


The new training context in higher education is moving toward a new model of massive, open and free education through a methodology based on video simulation and students’ collaborative work. Using a descriptive methodology, we analyze the formats and Web content presentation of 72 journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports® (2013) in the field of communication, and their presence in the development of massive open online courses (MOOCs) at the leading global platform, «Coursera». The findings show that the vast majority of scientific journals in the field of communication offer few disclosure formats and are difficult to embed in new massive, ubiquitous and collaborative movements which use the selfcreated «audiovisual pill». Therefore, the integration of articles of international scientific journals in MOOCs is almost nonexistent. Journals are not taking advantage of the great potential of these courses for scientific divulgation, probably because its unique disclosure format is written text. Thus, we propose a new model for scientific publication which shares writing text format with the video article, social media outreach and new formats supported by mobile digital devices to foster greater international visibility of scientific development and social progress in an everyday, more interconnected and visual society.


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Cites in Web of Science

Colomo-Magana, Ernesto; Fernandez-Lacorte, Jose Ma; Sanchez-Rivas, Enrique;. SPOC and teacher training: bibliometric and pedagogical approach on Scopus and Web of Science REVISTA ELECTRONICA INTERUNIVERSITARIA DE FORMACION DEL PROFESORADO , 2020.

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How to cite

Vázquez-Cano, E. (2013). The videoarticle: New reporting format in scientific journals and its integration in MOOCs. [El videoartículo: nuevo formato de divulgación en revistas científicas y su integración en MOOCs]. Comunicar, 41, 83-91.



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