Ключевые слова
Skills, blogs, communication, collaborative learning, journalism, Web 2.0, audiovisual creation
The aim of the present submission is to show the results of the study carried out with 199 students of journalism degree from the University of Valladolid. This experience evaluates to what extend blogs promote individual and group competences and skills, with the goal to determine the advantages and disadvantages of collaborative learning in the virtual environment of the blogosphere. New hybrid weblogs, audioblogs and tvblogs, have been used for practical on the subjects of News on Radio and News on Television for two consecutive courses. The experience has shown great usefulness not only in building the horizontal knowledge about the journalistic work from the classroom, the labs, and in their individual work outside the university environment, but it has also contributed positively to their community integration, enhancing negotiated decision-making and respect for the work of the others. These multimedia logs have enabled students to participate in the creation of content, in the production process, corporate design, bringing out and social media distribution, while learning to organize every element in harmonious and consistent way in order to create an independent audiovisual product related to other webs that can be used as documentary, specialized or critical complement. This collaborative experience has joined creativity, initiative, self-assessment and knowledge of online news production.
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Получила: 02-05-2013
пересмотренный: 03-07-2013
Принятый: 01-08-2013
OnlineFirst: 15-11-2013
Дата публикации: 01-01-2014
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Альтернативные метрики
Как процитировать
López-Vidales, N., & González-Aldea, P. (2014). Audioblogs and Tvblogs, tools for collaborative learning in journalism. [Audioblogs y Tvblogs, herramientas para el aprendizaje colaborativo en Periodismo]. Comunicar, 42, 45-53. https://doi.org/10.3916/C42-2014-04