
Web 2.0,社交网络,信息通讯技术,协作学习,数码能力,学习,定性化方法,虚拟平台


在课堂使用信息通讯技术要求创建语境化的教案,培育学生的协作性和他们对教学资源的动手使用。这篇论文展示了对意义处理的分析所得到的结论,这个意义处理是师生们通过参与一个使用ICT(特别是社交网络)的协作教学设计项目建立的。焦点小组由102个学生组成,对21个老师的采访分两个步骤(前期和后期),他们参加了智利南部的12个学校的21 个学习经验实验。主要结果显示:对于为学生使用ICT和社交网络而产生的激励效果相关的经验,评估积极;课堂教学互动有了相当大的改变;可能和背景和地区不同的学生合作的兴趣;老师们对可利用的Web 2.0资源知识的缺乏,以及一些对使用因特网的不恰当的负面想法。最后,主持者意义创建处理使这一研究得以获得在虚拟学习平台发展学习经验是涉及教学、技术和后勤等因素的相关定性信息。


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引述 Web of Science

Coppari, N and Bagnoli, L. Teacher's Digital Literacy: Theoretical Analysis and Evaluation Proposal EUREKA-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE PSICOLOGIA, 2020.

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Luis Fuentes, Juan; Albertos, Jesus E.; Torrano, Fermin. Towards Mobile-Learning in the School: Analysis of Critical Factors on the Use of Tablets in Spanish Schools EDUCATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY, 2019.


Scheihing, Eliana; Vernier, Matthieu; Guerra, Julio; Born, Javiera; Carcamo, Luis. Understanding the Role of Micro-Blogging in B-Learning Activities: Kelluwen Experiences in Chilean Public Schools IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES, 2018.


Castello-Sirvent, Fernando; Roger Monzo, Vanessa. The role of students in the proposal and design of teaching activities ATTIC-REVISTA D INNOVACIO EDUCATIVA, 2018.


Arancibia Herrera, Marcelo; Badia Gargante, Antoni; Soto Caro, Carmen Paz; Lee Sigerson, Andrew. The impact of secondary history teachers' teaching conceptions on the classroom use of computers TECHNOLOGY PEDAGOGY AND EDUCATION, 2018.


Casillas Martin, Sonia; Cabezas Gonzalez, Marcos; Martin de Arriba, Jorge. Knowledge Management: Experiences of Collaborative Work Using ICT with Students DIGITAL EDUCATION REVIEW, 2016.

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Garcia-Valcarcel Munoz-Repiso, Ana; Basilotta Gomez-Pablos, Veronica; Mulas Nieto, Isabel. Encouraging digital citizenship through a collaborative learning project for learning English at urban and rural schools PROFESORADO-REVISTA DE CURRICULUM Y FORMACION DE PROFESORADO, 2016.

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Herrera, Marcelo Arancibia; Fernández, Daniela Cosimo; Seguel, Roberto Casanova;. Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação , 2018.


引述 Scopus

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Herrera, M.M.A., Garganté, A.B.. Middle school teachers' conceptions about teaching, learning history with ICT [Concepciones de profesores de secundaria sobre enseñar y aprender Historia con TIC]), Revista Electronica de Investigacion Educativa, .

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Scheihing, E., Vernier, M., Guerra, J., Born, J., Cárcamo, L.. Understanding the Role of Micro-Blogging in B-Learning Activities: Kelluwen Experiences in Chilean Public Schools), IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, .


Fuentes, J.L., Albertos, J.E., Torrano, F.. Towards the mobile-learning in the school: Analysis of critical factors on the use of tablets in Spanish schools [Hacia el Mobile-Learning en la escuela: Análisis de factores críticos en el uso de las tablets en centros educativos españoles]), Education in the Knowledge Society, .


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Herrera, M. A., Fernández, D. C., & Seguel, R. C. (2018). Teachers’ perception about ICT integration in teaching practices in relation to the normative frameworks for the teaching profession in Chile. Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação, 26(98), 163-184.


García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso, A., Basilotta Gómez-Pablos, V., & Mulas Nieto, I. (2016). Fomentando la ciudadanía digital mediante un proyecto de aprendizaje colaborativo entre escuelas rurales y urbanas para aprender inglés.


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Martín, S. C., González, M. C., & de Arriba, J. M. (2016). Gestión del conocimiento: experiencias de trabajo colaborativo con estudiantes mediante Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. Digital Education Review, (30), 184-206.


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Scheihing, E., Vernier, M., Guerra, J., Born, J., & Crcamo, L. (2017). Understanding the role of micro-blogging in b-learning activities: Kelluwen experiences in Chilean public schools. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 11(3), 280-293.


Castello-Sirvent, F., & Monzó, V. R. (2018). The role of students in the proposal and design of teaching activities. @ tic revista d'innovació educativa, (20), 1-15.


Albertos, J. E., Torrano, F., & Fuentes, J. L. (2019). Towards the Mobile-Learning in the School: Analysis of Critical Factors on the Use of Tablets in Spanish Schools.





Arancibia-Herrera, M., Oliva-Figueroa, I., & Paiva-Cornejo, F. (2014). Meaning processes mediated through a protagonists’ collaborative learning platform. [Procesos de significación mediados por una plataforma de aprendizaje colaborativo desde los protagonistas]. Comunicar, 42, 75-85. https://doi.org/10.3916/C42-2014-07



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