Ключевые слова

Youth, students, mobile phones, social group, brand, advertising, qualitative analysis


This paper analyzes the role of young consumers in the context of new communication processes arising from emerging technologies. It examines the use of mobile device applications that activate new, more complex social and communicative uses of technology. The applications for smartphones which link to commercial advertising and enable online purchases are a recent priority for communicative actors such as trademarks, banking and technology companies. In this context, this paper describes and encodes qualitatively how young users as prosumers understand, perceive and use these corporate branding applications. Research techniques were applied to four focus groups of Spanish undergraduates of Communication Studies, as they are users that show a predisposition towards an early adoption of these practices. The coding and grouping of their responses enabled us to develop a qualitative analysis of usage and interaction with trademark applications. These focus group responses also allowed us to classify such communicative practices. In conclusion, active consumers interact with commercial content, establishing social networks with the backing of the brand culture and image as a form of group cohesion. Other uses are related to entertainment and enquiries for information, but users are still reluctant to pay for products or services through their mobile devices.


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Цитаты в Scopus

Suárez-Guerrero, C., Lloret-Catalá, C., Mengual-Andrés, S.. Teachers' perceptions of the digital transformation of the classroom through the use of tablets: A study in Spain), Comunicar, .


Ruiz del Olmo, F.J., Bustos Díaz, J.. From tweet to photography, the evolution of political communication on Twitter to images. The case of the debate on the State of the Nation in Spain (2015)), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .


Peña-Mosquera, A., Flórez-Vargas, K., Rodríguez-Molano, J.I.. A proposed architecture for the development of a cluster for graduates of higher education institutions), Communications in Computer and Information Science, .


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Masanet, M.-J.. Persistence of gender stereotypes in the media consumption habits of adolescents: Drama for girls, humor for boys [Pervivencia de los estereotipos de género en los hábitos de consumo mediático de los adolescentes: Drama para las chicas y humor para los chicos]), Cuadernos.info, .


Fombona, J., Pascual-Sevillano, M.-A., González-Videgaray, M.. M-learning, augmented reality: A review of the scientific literature on the WoS repository), Comunicar, .


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Ncube, B.N., Koloba, H.A. . Branded mobile app usage intentions among generation Y students: A comparison of gender and education level), International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, .


Sevillano-García, M.-L., Quicios-García, M.-P., González-García, J.-L.. The ubiquitous possibilities of the laptop: Spanish university students' perceptions), Comunicar, .


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Альтернативные метрики

Как процитировать

Ruiz-del-Olmo, F., & Belmonte-Jiménez, A. (2014). Young people as users of branded applications on mobile devices. [Los jóvenes como usuarios de aplicaciones de marca en dispositivos móviles]. Comunicar, 43, 73-81. https://doi.org/10.3916/C43-2014-07



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