Leslier Valenzuela-Fernández, Santiago de Chile (Чили)
Ключевые слова
Placement, media influence, movies, higher education, unaided recall, awareness, experiment, brand
The use of product placement as a marketing communication tool is based on the inclusion of products or brands in the scene where the action is. The use of this tool has benefits for both the producer of the movie, as well as for brands and / or products. There is currently no consensus in the academic world on how to measure the effectiveness of this communication tool. There is scarce scientific evidence in Latin America, and in Chile this format has been used in television programs, and only recently in movies. The objective of this research is to study the influence of placement in movies on explicit memory (unaided recall and brand awareness) and implicit memory (purchase intention) through the implementation of an experiment performed on a sample of 205 Chilean college students, according to the different types of placement in movies: brands as part of the background, used by a main character, and connected with the plot. The results indicate that the higher the degree of integration of the brand with the plot of the film, the higher the probability of stimulating the explicit memory of participants and thereby unaided recall and brand awareness, providing empirical evidence regarding the learning of consumer behavior through placement as a communication tool.
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Получила: 20-03-2014
пересмотренный: 11-05-2014
Принятый: 21-06-2014
OnlineFirst: 15-11-2014
Дата публикации: 01-01-2015
Время пересмотра статьи: 52 дней | Среднее время пересмотра вопроса 44: 37 дней
Время принятия статьи: 93 дней | Время приема Номер 44: 69 дней
Время редактирования препринта: 242 дней | Выпуск препринта среднего времени редактирования 44: 197 дней
Время редактирования статьи: 287 дней | Среднее время редактирования журнала 44: 242 дней
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Цитаты в Web of Science
Alonso Dos Santos, Manuel; Calabuig Moreno, Ferran; Sanchez Franco, Manuel. Congruence and placement in sponsorship: An eye-tracking application PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR, 2019.
Luisa Munoz-Garcia, Ana; Pablo Queupil, Juan; Bernasconi, Andres; Veliz, Daniela. Higher education research in Chile: Publication patterns and emerging themes EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS ARCHIVES, 2019.
Alonso dos Santos, Manuel; Calabuig Moreno, Ferran; Jesus Sanchez-Franco, Manuel. Blindness to sponsor: Application to sports event posters RAE-REVISTA DE ADMINISTRACAO DE EMPRESAS, 2018.
Mena-Young, Margoth. Memory and reading science reportages: measuring the information retrieval QUESTION, 2017.
Gonzalez-Menendez, Ricardo A.. Alcohol Control in Cuba: Preventing Countervailing Cultural and Mass Media Influences MEDICC REVIEW, 2016.
Ferrando; Jorge Nieto;. Tourist Destination Placement in Fiction Films: An Applied Research Proposal COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY-SPAIN , 2020.
Цитаты в Scopus
González-Menéndez, R.A.. Alcohol control in Cuba: Preventing countervailing cultural, mass media influences), MEDICC Review, .
Dos Santos, M.A., Moreno, F.C., Sánchezfranco, M.J.. Blindness to sponsor: Application to sports event posters [Ceguera al patrocinador: Aplicación a carteles de eventos deportivos] [Cegueira ao patrocinador: Utilização de banners em eventos esportivos]), RAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas, .
Muñoz-García, A.L., Queupil, J.P., Bernasconi, A., Véliz, D.. Higher education research in Chile: Publication patterns, emerging themes [Pesquisa no ensino superior no Chile: Uma perspectiva sobre padrões de publicação e questões emergentes] [La investigación en educación superior en Chile: Una perspectiva sobre patrones de publicación y temas emergentes]), Education Policy Analysis Archives, .
Alonso Dos Santos, M., Calabuig Moreno, F., Sánchez Franco, M.. Congruence, placement in sponsorship: An eye-tracking application), Physiology, Behavior, .
Alonso Dos Santos, M., Huertas-Serrano, M., Sánchez-Franco, M.J., Torres-Moraga, E.I. . Alcohol versus sponsorship: effectiveness in sports posters), British Food Journal, .
Ferrando, J.N. . Tourist destination placement in fiction films: An applied research proposal), Communication and Society, .
Цитаты в Google Scholar
Kumar, S. (2017). Influence of product placements in films and television on consumers brand awareness. Archives of Business Research, 5(2).
Dos Santos, M. A., Moreno, F. C., & Franco, M. S. (2019). Congruence and placement in sponsorship: An eye-tracking application. Physiology & behavior, 200, 159-165.
González-Menéndez, R. Á. (2016). Alcohol control in Cuba: preventing countervailing cultural and mass media influences. MEDICC review, 18, 29-31.
Dos Santos, M. A., Moreno, F. C., & Franco, M. J. S. (2018). Cegueira ao patrocinador: Utilização de banners em eventos esportivos. RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, 58(6), 525-536.
SANTOS, M. A. D., Moreno, F. C., & Sánchez-Franco, M. J. (2018). Blindness to sponsor: Application to sports event posters. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 58(6), 525-536.
Muñoz-García, A. L., Quilamán, J. P. Q., Bernasconi, A., & Calderón, D. V. (2019). Higher education research in Chile: Publication patterns and emerging themes. education policy analysis archives, 27, 100.
Mena-Young, M. (2017). La memoria y la lectura de reportajes de ciencia: medición de la recuperación de información. Question, 1(53), 301-320.
Mena Young, M. (2017). Las narrativas periodísticas en reportajes sobre ciencia y tecnología en Costa Rica, España y México: estudio comparativo y medición de efecto en lectores.
Lérida Medina, I. (2016). La promoción turística en el audiovisual de ficción (Bachelor's thesis).
Vargas Díaz, R., Sánchez Gutiérrez, J., & Gutiérrez-Salcedo, M. (2017). Estrategia de marketing de guerrilla como factor de desarrollo de la competitividad: restaurantes de la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara, México. In XXIX Congreso de Marketing AEMARK (2017), p 1101-1113. ESIC.
Díaz, R. V., Gutiérrez, J. S., & Salcedo, M. G. (2018). Estrategia de marketing de guerrilla como factor de desarrollo de la competitividad: restaurantes de la ZMG, México. Red Internacional de Investigadores en Competitividad, 11, 345-363.
Альтернативные метрики
Как процитировать
Valenzuela-Fernández, L., Martínez-Troncoso, C., & Yáñez-Wieland, F. (2015). Influence of placement on explicit and implicit memory of college students. [Influencia del «placement» sobre la memoria explícita e implícita de estudiantes universitarios]. Comunicar, 44, 169-176. https://doi.org/10.3916/C44-2015-18