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引述 Web of Science
Tatlow-Golden, Mimi; Garde, Amandine;. Digital food marketing to children: Exploitation, surveillance and rights violations GLOBAL FOOD SECURITY-AGRICULTURE POLICY ECONOMICS AND ENVIRONMENT , 2020.
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Martinez, Carolina. The struggles of everyday life: How children view and engage with advertising in mobile games CONVERGENCE-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH INTO NEW MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES, 2019.
Tejedor Calvo, Santiago; Montoliu Riu, Laia. Theoretical proposal of systematization, storage and retrieval of data concerning Websites of third sector organizations: the Colombian and the Catalan case TRANSINFORMACAO, 2019.
引述 Scopus
Calvo, S.T., Riu, L.M.. Theoretical proposal of systematization, storage, retrieval of data concerning Websites of third sector organizations: The Colombian, the Catalan case [Propuesta teórica para la sistematización, archivo y recuperación de los datos de los sitios Web de entidades del tercer sector: El caso Colombia – Cataluña1]), Transinformacao, .
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Feijoo, D.B., Bugueño, S., Sádaba, D.C., García-González, D.A. . Parents' and children's perception on social media advertising), Comunicar, .
Tatlow-Golden, M., Garde, A. . Digital food marketing to children: Exploitation, surveillance and rights violations), Global Food Security, .
Feijoo, B., Sádaba, C.. When mobile advertising is interesting: interaction of minors with ads and influencers’ sponsored content on social media), Communication and Society, .
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