Ключевые слова

Digital competence, information literacy, perceptions, training, secondary, indicators, ICT, teacher


Information Literacy is one of the dimensions of digital competence and, in today’s information and media-based society, it should be a skill that everyone develops, especially secondary school teachers due to their influence on this crucial stage of student development. In this investigation we aim to determine the current level of information literacy of secondary school teachers in Spain. For this purpose we have designed a questionnaire (n=2,656) which is divided into two parts: the first asks questions related to belief and self-perception of information literacy indicators, and the second presents practical cases in which the teachers have to demonstrate their skills in information literacy. The results confirm that the beliefs of secondary school teachers show rather high values but that, even if the level of information literacy that the teachers have is acceptable, there are certain aspects of the indicators related to assessment, management and transformation of information in which the teachers display serious shortcomings. This highlights the need to establish a training plan for information literacy for the secondary school teachers in Spain.


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Альтернативные метрики

Как процитировать

Álvarez, J., & Gisbert-Cervera, M. (2015). Information literacy grade of Secondary School teachers in Spain. Beliefs and self-perceptions. [Grado de alfabetización informacional del profesorado de Secundaria en España: Creencias y autopercepciones]. Comunicar, 45, 187-194. https://doi.org/10.3916/C45-2015-20



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