Ключевые слова
Alternative communication, communicative processes, global/local, communicative citizenship, community radio, democratization, participatory communication
Recent Latin American reforms in the field of communication reshape and strengthen the role and challenges of the popular, alternative and community media. This paper analyzes different experiences arising from the results of two pieces of research, one in Argentina and another one in Ecuador, both carried out through a qualitative methodology, namely in-depth interviews. The theoretical framework mainly draws upon the grounded tradition of Latin American studies on popular and alternative communication for social change, and it also includes recent contributions from European studies. The objective of both research projects was to account for the communities-media relationship, by unveiling the existence of mutual bonds between social organization and content generation.’ Analysis of results shows that communities’ direct participation in the foundation, management and sustainability of such media reverberates in the production of organic content related to their own interests and needs –usually neglected both by public and commercial media– and also in a greater media pluralism and media supply diversity. Moreover, results allow considering popular, alternative and community media as key environments both for democratizing communication and shaping communicative citizenship. Both studies highlight a common challenge, that is, the need to consolidate trans-local and trans-national networks in order to establish a common action at the level of the media global order, thus enabling to measure their influence on the public agenda.
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Альтернативные метрики
Как процитировать
Cerbino, M., & Belotti, F. (2016). Community media as exercise of communicative citizenship: Experiences from Argentina and Ecuador. [Medios comunitarios como ejercicio de ciudadanía comunicativa: Experiencias desde Argentina y Ecuador]. Comunicar, 47, 49-56. https://doi.org/10.3916/C47-2016-05