Ключевые слова

Connectionism, connective brain, mathematics education, teaching-learning, didactic method, didactic strategies, didactic application, early childhood education


The construction of a connective brain begins at the earliest ages of human development. However, knowledge about individual and collective brains provided so far by research has been rarely incorporated into Maths in Early Childhood classrooms. In spite of that, it is obvious that it is at these ages when the learning of mathematics acts as a nuclear element for decision- making, problem -solving, data- processing and the understanding of the world. From that perspective, this research aims to analyse the mathematics teaching-learning process at early ages based on connectionism, with the specific objectives being, on the one hand, to determine the features of mathematics practices which promote connections and, on the other hand, to identify different types of mathematics connections to enhance connective intelligence. The research was carried out over two consecutive academic years under an interpretative paradigm with a methodological approach combining Action Research and Grounded Theory. The results obtained allow the characterization of a prototype of a didactic sequence that promotes three types of mathematics connections for the development of connective intelligence in young children: conceptual, giving rise to links between mathematics concepts; teaching, linking mathematics concepts through an active methodology, and practical ones connecting maths with the environment.


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Beltran-Pellicer, Pablo; Giacomone, Belen; Burgos, Maria. Online educational videos according to specific didactics: the case of mathematics CULTURA Y EDUCACION, 2018.


Alsina, Angel; Maurandi, Antonio; Ferre, Elvira;. Validating an Instrument to Evaluate the Teaching of Mathematics Through Processes INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION , 2020.


Martinez-Juste, Sergio; Munoz-Escolano, Jose M.; Oller-Marcen, Antonio M.;. An action research experience to teach compound proportional situations ENSENANZA DE LAS CIENCIAS , 2019.


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Novo, ML. Mathematics in Early Childhood Education: the importance of play and manipulative materials EDMA 0-6-EDUCACION MATEMATICA EN LA INFANCIA, 2021.

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Цитаты в Scopus

Cerda, G., Aragón, E., Pérez, C., Navarro, J.I., Aguilar, M.. The open Algorithm Based on Numbers (ABN) Method: An effective instructional approach to domain-specific precursors of arithmetic development), Frontiers in Psychology, .


Martínez-Juste, S., Muñoz-Escolano, J.M., Oller-Marcén, A.M.. An action research experience to teach compound proportional situations [Una experiencia de investigación-acción para la enseñanza de la proporcionalidad compuesta]), Ensenanza de las Ciencias, .


Alsina, A., Maurandi, A., Ferre, E., Coronata, C. . Validating an Instrument to Evaluate the Teaching of Mathematics Through Processes), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, .


Beltran-Pellicer, P., Giacomone, B., Burgos, M.. Online educational videos according to specific didactics: The case of mathematics [Los Vídeos educativos en línea desde las didácticas específicas: El caso de las matemáticas]), Cultura y Educacion, .


Цитаты в Google Scholar

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Cerda, G., Aragón, E., Pérez, C., Navarro, J. I., & Aguilar, M. (2018). The Open Algorithm Based on Numbers (ABN) method: an effective instructional approach to domain-specific precursors of arithmetic development. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1811.


Martínez-Juste, S., Muñoz-Escolano, J. M., & Oller-Marcén, A. M. (2019). Una experiencia de investigación-acción para la enseñanza de la proporcionalidad compuesta. Enseñanza de las ciencias: revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, 37(2), 85-106.


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Martínez-Juste, S., & Muñoz-Escolano, J. M. (2019). Introduciendo los repartos inversamente proporcionales durante dos ciclos de investigación-acción.


Novo Martín, M. L., Berciano Alcaraz, A., & Alsina, A. (2019). Conexiones matemáticas de tipo conceptual en niños de 4 años. REDIMAT: Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 2019, vol. 8, núm. 2, p. 166-192.


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Как процитировать

Novo, M., Alsina, ., Marbán, J., & Berciano, A. (2017). Connective Intelligence for childhood mathematics education. [Inteligencia conectiva para la educación matemática infantil]. Comunicar, 52, 29-39. https://doi.org/10.3916/C52-2017-03



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