Palabras clave

Internet, creencias, mediación parental, control parental, educación primaria, competencia digital, intervención, riesgos


El uso de Internet de los niños y las niñas a edades cada vez más tempranas constituye un reto para las familias, las escuelas y la política educativa y social en la actualidad. Se presenta una investigación cualitativa cuyo objetivo es analizar las creencias, prácticas cotidianas y dificultades que afrontan los padres y las madres cuando tratan de enseñar a sus hijos e hijas los beneficios y riesgos de Internet. Se ha utilizado la técnica de los grupos de discusión con cuatro grupos de madres y padres de alumnado de Educación Primaria de cuatro centros educativos. Los resultados indican que comparten una concepción más pesimista que optimista sobre el uso de Internet a estas edades y que perciben diversas dificultades cuando tratan de promover su uso responsable. Se identifican diversas estrategias de mediación parental de control: establecimiento de normas, organización espaciotemporal de límites y supervisión (presencial directa, consensuada, no consensuada y técnica) y de apoyo (modelado parental, entre hermanos y diversas estrategias instructivas, de estimulación y comunicación familiar) que, a excepción de la supervisión técnica, habitualmente utilizan para educarles o controlar su comportamiento en otras áreas formando parte de su estilo general de parentalidad. Las conclusiones apuntan la necesidad de desarrollar la competencia parental digital y algunas implicaciones para la intervención educativa como promover la colaboración entre la familiaescuela.

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Citado por

Citas en Web of Science

Sanchez-Martinez, Cristina; Ricoy, Maria-Carmen; . Position of the family towards tablet use on learning of Primary Education students DIGITAL EDUCATION REVIEW, 2018.

Garcia-Umana, Andres; Tirado-Morueta, Ramon; . Digital Media Behavior of School Students: Abusive Use of the Internet JOURNAL OF NEW APPROACHES IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 2018.

Santana-Vega, Lidia-E.; Gomez-Munoz, Ana-Maria; Feliciano-Garcia, Luis; . Adolescents problematic mobile phone use, Fear of Missing Out and family communication COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 2019.

Gamito Gomez, Rakel; Aristizabal Llorente, Pilar; Vizcarra Morales, Maria Teresa; . MULTI-SCREEN SOCIETY: AN EDUCATIONAL CHALLENGE FOR FAMILY AND SCHOOL PRISMA SOCIAL, 2019.

Gonzalez-Fernandez, Natalia; Ramirez Garcia, Antonia; Aguaded Gomez, Ignacio; . Media Literacy in Family Stages. Diagnosis, Requirements and Training Proposal EDUCATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY, 2019.

Condeza, Rayen; Herrada-Hidalgo, Nadia; Barros-Friz, Camila; . New parental mediation roles: Parents' perceptions of their children's relationship with multiple screens REVISTA MEXICANA DE PSICOLOGIA, 2019.

Paredes-Labra, Joaquin; Freitas-Cortina, Ada; Sanchez-Antolin, Pablo; . From the initiation to tolerated use of technologies. The digital competence of Madrid students before high school RED-REVISTA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 2019.

Bartau Rojas, Isabel; Aierbe Barandiaran, Ana; Oregui Gonzalez, Eider; . Parental Mediation of Internet Use from a Gender Perspective REVISTA ELECTRONICA DE INVESTIGACION EDUCATIVA, 2020.

Garcia-Umana, Andres; Cristina Ulloa, Maria; Fernanda Cordoba, Evelyn; . The digital era and dehumanization for the purposes of ICT REIDOCREA-REVISTA EECTRONICA DE INVESTIGACION Y DOCENCIA CREATIVA, 2020.

Lopez-de-Ayala, MC; Polite, C and Martin-Nieto, R. Parental mediation and digital skills of adolescents in the Community of Madrid: skills and performance REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2021.

Harvey, Jessica; Manusov, Valerie; . Rapping About Rap: Parental Mediation of Gender-Stereotyped Media Content ASIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2020.

Gallardo Fernandez, Isabel Maria; De Castro Calvo, Ana; Saiz Fernandez, Hector; . Interaction and use of technologies in teaching and learning processes EDUCATIO SIGLO XXI, 2020.

Leon-Moreno, Celeste; Evaristo Callejas-Jeronimo, Juan; Suarez-Relinque, Cristian; Musitu-Ferrer, Daniel; Musitu-Ochoa, Gonzalo; . Parental Socialization, Social Anxiety, and School Victimization: A Mediation Model DIAGN STAT MAN MENT, 2020.

Ramirez Garcia, Antonia; Gomez Moreno, Rocio; . Family educational practices and parental mediation vs mobile and internet devices AULA ABIERTA, 2020.

Berger, Priscila; . Teachers' mediation practice: Opportunities and risks for youth media behavior MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION, 2020.

Diaz-Lopez, Adoracion; Maquilon-Sanchez, Javier-Jeronimo; Mirete-Ruiz, Ana-Belen; . Maladaptive use of ICT in adolescence: Profiles, supervision and technological stress RELATEC, 2020.

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Marin-Suelves, Diana; Lopez-Gomez, Silvia; Castro-Rodriguez, M. Monserrat; Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Jesus; . Digital Competence in Schools: A Bibliometric Study IEEE REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIAS DEL APRENDIZAJE-IEEE RITA, 2020.

Cebollero Salinas, Ana; Cano Escoriaza, Jacobo; Orejudo Hernandez, Santos; . Internet Abuse and teenagers: Gratifications, Family Supervision, and Responsible Use. Educational and family implications EDUCATIONAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGIST, 2021.

Fernandez Sanchez, Maria Jesus; Vera, Lucia Perez; Herrera, Susana Sanchez; . Public school and COVID-19: socio-family difficulties of education in confinement REVISTA PUBLICACIONES, 2021.

Tomczyk, Lukasz; Potyrala, Katarzyna; . Parents' knowledge and skills about the risks of the digital world INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INJURY CONTROL AND SAFETY PROMOTION, 2021.

Romera, Eva M.; Camacho, Antonio; Ortega-Ruiz, Rosario; Falla, Daniel; . Cybergossip, cyberaggression, problematic Internet use and family communication FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2021.

del Carmen Ramirez-Rueda, Maria; Cozar-Gutierrez, Ramon; Roblizo Colmenero, Manuel J.; Antonio Gonzalez-Calero, Jose; . Towards a coordinated vision of ICT in education: A comparative analysis of Preschool and Primary Education teachers' and parents' perceptions ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES, 2021.

Diaz-Lopez, Adoracion; Belen Mirete-Ruiz, Ana; Maquilon-Sanchez, Javier; . Adolescents' Perceptions of Their Problematic Use of ICT: Relationship with Study Time and Academic Performance Praxis educativa, 2021.


Ruiz de Miguel, Covadonga; Dominguez Perez, David; Rodriguez Sanchez, German; . Perception of the Use of the Mobile Phone in Students From Primary Education to University Degree DIGITAL EDUCATION REVIEW, 2021.

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Riofrio-Calderon, G and Ramirez-Montoya, MS. Mediation and Online Learning: Systematic Literature Mapping (2015-2020) SUSTAINABILITY, 2022.

Ramos, SC; Cano, EV and Meneses, EL. Impact of Family Communication on Spanish Adolescents' Dysfunctional Behaviour on Social Networks JOURNAL OF AGGRESSION MALTREATMENT & TRAUMA, 2022.

Cao, SM; Dong, CAM and Li, H. Digital parenting during the COVID-19 lockdowns: how Chinese parents viewed and mediated young children's digital use EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND CARE, 2021.

Ramirez-Garcia, A; Gonzalez-Fernandez, N and Salcines-Talledo, I. Parental Mediation and Use of Mobile Devices-Smartphones and Tablets- in Spanish Families JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES, 2021.

Lwin, MO; Panchapakesan, C; (...); Shin, W. Are Parents Doing It Right? Parent and Child Perspectives on Parental Mediation in Singapore JOURNAL OF FAMILY COMMUNICATION, 2021.

Silveira, P; Morais, R and Petrella, S. A Communication Study of Young Adults and Online Dependency during the COVID-19 Pandemic SOCIETIES, 2022.

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Citas en Scopus

Condeza, R., Herrada-Hidalgo, N., Barros-Friz, C.. New parental mediation roles: Parents’ perceptions of their children’s relationship with multiple screens [Nuevos roles parentales de mediación: Percepciones de los padres sobre la relación de sus hijos con múltiples pantallas]), Profesional de la Informacion, .

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Santana-Vega, L.-E., Gómez-Muñoz, A.-M., Feliciano-García, L.. Adolescents problematic mobile phone use, Fear of Missing Out, family communication), Comunicar, .

González-Fernández, N., García, A.R., Gómez, I.A. . Media literacy in family stages. Diagnosis, requirements and training proposal | [Alfabetización mediática en escenarios familiares. Diagnóstico, necesidades y propuesta formativa]), Education in the Knowledge Society, .

Gomez, R.G., Llorente, P.A., Morales, M.T.V.. Multi-screen society: An educational challenge for family, school [Sociedad multipantalla: un reto educativo para familia y escuela]), Prisma Social, .

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León-Moreno, C., Callejas-Jerónimo, J.E., Suarez-Relinque, C., Musitu-Ferrer, D., Musitu-Ochoa, G. . Parental socialization, social anxiety, and school victimization: A mediation model), Sustainability (Switzerland), .

Harvey, J., Manusov, V. . Rapping About Rap: Parental Mediation of Gender-Stereotyped Media Content), Marriage and Family Review, .

Ruedas, J., Serrate, S., Muñoz, J.M. . Hyper-Connected Youth:: The standpoint of families facing their children's virtual interaction), Revista Colombiana de Educacion, .

Romera, E.M., Camacho, A., Ortega-Ruiz, R., Falla, D. . Cybergossip, Cyberaggression, Problematic Internet Use and Family Communication), Comunicar, .

Ramírez-Rueda, M.D.C., Cózar-Gutiérrez, R., Roblizo Colmenero, M.J., González-Calero, J.A. . Towards a coordinated vision of ICT in education: A comparative analysis of Preschool and Primary Education teachers’ and parents’ perceptions), Teaching and Teacher Education, .

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Sánchez-Martínez, C., Ricoy, M.-C.. Position of the family towards tablet use on learning of Primary Education students [Posicionamiento de la familia ante el uso de la tableta en el aprendizaje del alumnado de Educación Primaria]), Digital Education Review, .

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Zaikina-Montgomery, H., Silver, N.C.. An examination of icons, signal words, color,, messages in warnings for children on the Internet), Proceedings of the Human Factors, Ergonomics Society, .

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García-Umaña, A., Tirado-Morueta, R.. Digital media behavior of school students: Abusive use of the internet), Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, .

Díaz-López, A., Maquilón-Sánchez, J.-J., Mirete-Ruiz, A.-B. . Maladaptive use of ICT in adolescence: Profiles, supervision and technological stress), Comunicar, .

Berger, P. . Teachers' mediation practice: Opportunities and risks for youth media behavior), Comunicar, .

Hernández-Martín, A., Martín-del-Pozo, M., Iglesias-Rodríguez, A. . Pre-adolescents’ digital competences in the area of safety. Does frequency of social media use mean safer and more knowledgeable digital usage?), Education and Information Technologies, .

Pérez Sánchez, R., Torres Fernández, D. . Adult mediation of internet: A qualitative research with costa rican adolescents | [Mediación adulta de la internet: Un estudio cualitativo con adolescentes costarricenses]), Revista Colombiana de Educacion, .

Marin-Suelves, D., Lopez-Gomez, S., Castro-Rodriguez, M.M., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, J. . Digital Competence in Schools: A Bibliometric Study), Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, .

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Tomczyk, Ł., Potyrała, K. . Parents’ knowledge and skills about the risks of the digital world), South African Journal of Education, .

Díaz-López, A., Mirete-Ruiz, A.B., Maquilón-Sánchez, J. . Adolescents’ perceptions of their problematic use of ict: Relationship with study time and academic performance), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .

Moreno-Carmona, N.D., Marín-Cortés, A., Cano-Bedoya, V.H., (...), Jaramillo-Suarez, Á.M., Ossa-Ossa, J.C. . PArental Mediations And Internet Use By Colombian Children And Adolescents | [Mediaciones Parentales Y Uso De Internet Por Niños, Niñas Y Adolescentes Colombianos]), Interdisciplinaria, .

Fernández Sánchez, M.J., Vera, L.P., Herrera, S.S. . Public school and COVID-19: Socio-family difficulties of education in confinement | [公立学校和新冠疫情: 隔离期间教育的社会家庭困难]), Publicaciones de la Facultad de Educacion y Humanidades del Campus de Melilla, .

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Salinas, A.C., Escoriaza, J.C., Hernández, S.O. . Internet abuse and teenagers: Gratifications, family supervision, and responsible use. Educational and family implications | [Abuso de Internet y adolescentes: Gratificaciones, supervisión familiar y uso responsable. Implicaciones educativas y familiares]), Digital Education Review, .

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Crespo Ramos, S., Vázquez Cano, E., López Meneses, E. . Impact of Family Communication on Spanish Adolescents’ Dysfunctional Behaviour on Social Networks), Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, .

Sánchez, R.P., Fernández, D.T.. El contexto educativo como predictor de habilidades digitales y comportamientos riesgosos en Internet), Perfiles Educativos, .

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Citas en Google Scholar

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Martínez, C. S., & Lorenzo, M. D. C. R. (2018). Posicionamiento de la familia ante el uso de la tableta en el aprendizaje del alumnado de Educación Primaria. Digital Education Review, (33), 267-283.

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Sánchez-Martínez, C., & Ricoy, M. C. (2018). Position of the family towards tablet use on learning of Primary Education students. Digital Education Review, (33), 267-283.

González Fernández, N., Ramírez García, A., & Aguaded Gómez, I. (2019). Media Literacy in Family Stages. Diagnosis, Requirements and Training Proposal.

Ramírez-García, A., & Gómez-Moreno, R. (2020). Prácticas educativas familiares y mediación parental vs dispositivos móviles e Internet. Aula Abierta, 49(2), 121-130.

Condeza, R., Herrada-Hidalgo, N., & Barros-Friz, C. (2019). Nuevos roles parentales de mediación: percepciones de los padres sobre la relación de sus hijos con múltiples pantallas. Profesional de la Información, 28(4).

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Cómo citar

Bartau-Rojas, I., Aierbe-Barandiaran, A., & Oregui-González, E. (2018). Parental mediation of the Internet use of Primary students: beliefs, strategies and difficulties. [Mediación parental del uso de Internet en el alumnado de Primaria: creencias, estrategias y dificultades]. Comunicar, 54, 71-79.



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