


这片论文旨在帮助研究年轻人作为政治行为者使用公共空间时面对的困难。文章着眼于紧密围绕着西班牙青年理事会(CJE)再构过程以及对其随后解散的出版报道和推特活动。我们对2012年至2014年期间出版的22种新闻报刊做了内容分析,也对 “让我们保留CJE”在同一时间进行的活动构架内的推特的使用进行了分析。主要的分析目的在于从媒体议程和公民议程两方面看待这个问题的重要性。在大多数报刊中,政府采用的与CJE“面对面”的措施被当作次等重要的准点新闻对待。由年轻草根运动主导的线上活动引发了对这个计划失之偏颇的特点及其政治后果的公开辩论。活动的核心在于对年轻人在公共机构中的代表提出讨论。研究结果显示,社交媒体提高年轻人可见性的潜能并不总能被最大化,并不一定能更改公共区域中某一问题的显著性。



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收到: 11-10-2017

修订: 29-10-2017

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引述 Web of Science

Terren, Ludovic; Infante, Anna Clua; Ferran-Ferrer, Nuria. Falling on Deaf Ears? An Analysis of Youth Political Claims in the European Mainstream Press AMERICAN BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST, 2019.


Aparici, Roberto; Garcia-Marin, David; Diaz-Delgado, Natalia; . Vampires on the Web. The exploitation of youth culture REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2018.


Ferran-Ferrer, N; Castellanos-Pineda, P; (...); Meneses, J. The gender gap on the Spanish Wikipedia: Listening to the voices of women editors PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2021.


Acevedo-Merlano, A; Munoz, ANC and Quintero-Leon, M. Shifting Citizenships: Cyberpolitics and the Dilemmas of Twitter as Public/Private Sphere RECERCA-REVISTA DE PENSAMENT & ANALISI, 2021.

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Moreno-Mercado, JM; Garcia-Marin, J and Luengo, OG. Armed conflicts and the construction of narratives on Twitter. The case of the war between Armenia andAzerbaijan REVISTA ESPANOLA DE CIENCIA POLITICA-RECP, 2022.


Longhi-Heredia, SA; Morillas-Alcazar, JM and Hernando-Gomez, A. Cultural Press in Spain. The uses of Cultural Heritage Doxa Comunicacion, 2022.


引述 Scopus

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Aparici, R., García-Marín, D., Díaz-Delgado, N.. Vampires on the web. The exploitation of youth culture [Vampiros en la Red. El robo de la cultura juvenil]), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .


Ferran-Ferrer, N., Castellanos-Pineda, P., Minguillón, J., Meneses, J.. The gender gap on the spanish wikipedia: Listening to the voices of women editors), Profesional de la Informacion, .


Moreno-Mercado, J.M., García-Marín, J., Luengo, Ó.G.. Armed conflicts and the construction of narratives on Twitter. The case of the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan), Revista Espanola de Ciencia Politica, .


Yin, J.L.B., Fei, T.S.. The Digital Rhizomorph: Understanding Online Youth Political Participation Post Malaysia’s GE14), Sojourn, .


Ferran-Ferrer, N., Miquel-Ribé, M., Meneses, J., Minguillón, J. . The Gender Perspective in Wikipedia: A Content and Participation Challenge), WWW 2022 - Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022, .


引述 Google Scholar

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Clua, A., Ferran-Ferrer, N., & Terren, L. (2018). Youth impact on the public sphere in Press and Twitter: The dissolution of the Spanish Youth Council. [El impacto de los jóvenes en la esfera pública: La disolución del Consejo de la Juventud de España en la prensa y en Twitter]. Comunicar, 55, 49-57. https://doi.org/10.3916/C55-2018-05



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