Palabras clave

Gamificación, transmedia, aprendizaje virtual, vocaciones, actitudes, innovación, elearning, aprendizaje digital basado en juegos


En la actualidad la proliferación de aplicaciones basadas en gamificación y especialmente en el denominado Aprendizaje Digital Basado en Juegos (Digital Game-Based Learning, DGBL) abre un panorama de elevado potencial educativo. En el presente trabajo se muestran los resultados del desarrollo de un proyecto con el funcionamiento de un entorno web gamificado y realizado ad hoc, complementado con recursos transmedia y dirigido a la divulgación científica y al fomento de las vocaciones científico-tecnológicas (CyT) en adolescentes, siendo precisamente en este rango de edad donde se configura la preferencia vocacional. El descenso de vocaciones CyT supone uno de los mayores problemas actuales para la sociedad de desarrollo tecnológico en la que nos encontramos, con un descenso generalizado de profesionales en áreas claves para el desarrollo económico y de progreso. Tras la realización de una encuesta previa a la participación en el proyecto y la misma encuesta tras la realización del mismo, los resultados obtenidos indican la elevada eficacia de proyectos de este tipo, diseñados en base a la experimentación online, el conocimiento de situaciones reales de la actividad investigadora y la comunicación de valores y actitudes procientíficas de forma afín a la población objetivo. Los participantes aumentan significativamente su interés por la profesión científica, la actividad investigadora y su beneficio social manifestando la adquisición de conocimientos y destrezas procientíficas y poniendo de relieve su interés por la temática tratada.

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Citado por

Citas en Web of Science

Havrilova, L; Beskorsa, O; (...); Khmarna, L. Transmedia educational project as a method of developing music teacher' transmedia competence MUSIC EDUCATION RESEARCH, 2022.

Prieto Andreu, Joel Manuel; . A systematic review about gum cation, motivation and learning in high school Quality & Quantity, 2020.

Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Segura-Robles, Adrian; Fuentes-Cabrera, Arturo; Elena Parra-Gonzalez, Maria; . Evaluating Activation and Absence of Negative Effect: Gamification and Escape Rooms for Learning INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY, 2020.

Elena Parra-Gonzalez, Maria; Lopez Belmonte, Jesus; Segura-Robles, Adrian; Fuentes Cabrera, Arturo; . Active and Emerging Methodologies for Ubiquitous Education: Potentials of Flipped Learning and Gamification 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED & INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS 2017 (ICOAIMS 2017), 2020.

Peirats Chacon, Jose; Marn Suelves, Diana; Vidal Esteve, Ma Isabel; . Bibliometrics applied to gamification as a digital learning strategy RED-REVISTA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 2019.

Pico, Maria-Josep; Saez, Emilio; Galan, Esteban; . Transmedia research. Participatory culture in the creation of academic knowledge GLOBAL STATE YOUNG S, 2019.

Fuentes Hurtado, Mercedes; Gonzalez Martinez, Juan; . What Does STEM Gain with Gamification? ACADEMIA Y VIRTUALIDAD, 2019.

Elena Parra-Gonzalez, Ma; Segura-Robles, Adrian; . Translation and validation of the Gameful Experience Scale (GAMEX) BORDON-REVISTA DE PEDAGOGIA, 2019.

Penalva, Sheila; Aguaded, Ignacio; Torres-Toukoumidis, Angel; . Gamification in the Spanish university. An educommunicative perspective REVISTA MEDITERRANEA COMUNICACION-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2019.

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Vera, Pablo M.; Rodriguez, Rocio A.; Moreno, Edgardo; . Gamifying programming practice at university level CAMPUS VIRTUALES, 2018.

Moreno Campos, Veronica; Suvires Garcia, Miguel Angel; . Gamification In Clinical Linguistics Teaching: Clue Design for Language Disorders ATTIC-REVISTA D INNOVACIO EDUCATIVA, 2018.

Vidal Esteve, Ma Isabel; Lopez Mari, Maria; Marin Suelves, Diana; Peirats Chacon, Jose; . Review and analysis of published research on gamified intervention in intellectual disability ETIC NET-REVISTA CIENTIFICA ELECTRONICA DE EDUCACION Y COMUNICACION EN LA SOCIEDAD DEL CONOCIMIENTO, 2018.

Almela-Baeza, Javier; Febrero-Sanchez, Beatriz; Perez-Manzano, Antonio; Ramirez-Romero, Pablo; . Prosocial topics and impact of a Flipped Classroom educational intervention promoting health by creating audiovisual stories REVISTA MEDITERRANEA COMUNICACION-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2018.

Segura-Robles, Adrian; Fuentes-Cabrera, Arturo; Parra-Gonzalez, Maria Elena; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; . Effects on Personal Factors Through Flipped Learning and Gamification as Combined Methodologies in Secondary Education Innovacion y Tecnologia en Contextos Educativos, 2020.

Fuentes-Cabrera, Arturo; Parra-Gonzalez, Maria Elena; Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Segura-Robles, Adrian; . Learning Mathematics with Emerging Methodologies-The Escape Room as a Case Study Educatio Siglo XXI, 2020.

Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Elena Parra-Gonzalez, Ma; Segura-Robles, Adrian; Pozo-Sanchez, Santiago; . Scientific Mapping of Gamification in Web of Science EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATION IN HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION, 2020.

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Guerrero-Puerta, Laura; Guerrero, Miguel. A.; . Could Gamification Be a Protective Factor Regarding Early School Leaving? A Life Story INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY, 2021.

Pegalajar Palomino, Ma del Carmen; . Implications of gamification in Higher Education: a systematic review of student perception RIE-REVISTA DE INVESTIGACION EDUCATIVA, 2021.

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Tanouri, Afshin; Kennedy, Ann-Marie; Veer, Ekant; . A conceptual framework for transformative gamification services INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2000.

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#EANF#; . Gamifying the University classroom. Analysis of an Escape Room experience in higher education Revista de estudios y experiencias en educación, 2019.

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Oliveira, RP; de Souza, CG; (...); de Souza, WM. Gamification in E-Learning and Sustainability: A Theoretical Framework SUSTAINABILITY, 2021.

Fraga-Varela, F; Vila-Counago, E and Martinez-Pineiro, E. The impact of serious games in mathematics fluency: A study in Primary Education COMUNICAR, 2021.

Almela-Baeza, J; Febrero, B; (...); Ramirez, P. Audiovisual Content to Promote Women Scientists on the YouTube Channels of Spanish Biosanitary Research Institutes INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2021.

Suelves, DM; Esteve, MIV and Baldovi, MIP. Escape room in education: a bibliometric study HEAD'20: 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES, 2020.

Marin, JAM; Soto, MNC; (...); Garcia, GG. Gamification as a Motivational and Socio-educational Resource in Classrooms with Students at Risk of Social Exclusion METHODOLOGIES AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING, 2022.

Torres-Martin, JL; Castro-Martinez, A and Diaz-Morilla, P. TRANSMEDIA METHODOLOGY IN AUDIOVISUAL COMMUNICATION DEGREES IN SPAIN Index.comunicacion, 2022.

Citas en Scopus

Febrero, B., Almela-Baeza, J., Ros, I., (...), Martínez-Alarcón, L., Ramírez, P. . The impact of information and communications technology and broadcasting on YouTube for improving attitude toward organ donation in secondary education with the creation of short films), Patient Education and Counseling, .

Vera, P.M., Rodríguez, R.A., Moreno, E.. Gamifying programming practice at university level [Gamificando la práctica de programación en el ámbito universitario]), Campus Virtuales, .

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Elena Parra-Gonzálezy, M.A., Segura-Robles, A. . Translation and validation of the gameful experience scale (Gamex) | [Traduction et validation de l'échelle d'évaluation d'expériences gamifiées (Gamex)]), Bordon. Revista de Pedagogia, .

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Villalobos, G.M., Ríos Herrera, J.F. . Gamification as a learning strategy in the training of engineering students | [Gamificación como estrategia de aprendizaje en la formación de estudiantes de Ingeniería]), Bordon. Revista de Pedagogia, .

Parra-González, M.E., Belmonte, J.L., Segura-Robles, A., Cabrera, A.F. . Active and emerging methodologies for ubiquitous education: Potentials of flipped learning and gamification), Sustainability (Switzerland), .

Prieto Andreu, J.M. . A systematic review about gamification, motivation and learning in high school | [Una revisiÓn sistemÁtica sobre gamificaciÓn, motivaciÓn y aprendizaje en universitarios]), Teoria de la Educacion, .

Hunt-Gómez, C.I., Moreno-Fernández, O., Moreno-Crespo, P., Ferreras-Listán, M. . Escape rooms' pedagogical potential from female future teachers’ perspectives), Sustainability (Switzerland), .

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Almela-Baeza, J., Febrero, B., Ros, I., (...), Parrilla, P., Ramírez, P. . The Influence of Mass Media on Organ Donation and Transplantation in Older People), Transplantation Proceedings, .

López-Belmonte, J., Segura-Robles, A., Fuentes-Cabrera, A., Parra-González, M.E. . Evaluating activation and absence of negative effect: Gamification and escape rooms for learning), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .

Fuentes-Cabrera, A., Parra-González, M.E., López-Belmonte, J., Segura-Robles, A. . Learning mathematics with emerging methodologies-The escape room as a case study), Mathematics, .

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Del Carmen Pegalajar Palomino, M. . Implications of gamification in Higher Education: A systematic review of student perception | [Implicaciones de la gamificación en Educación Superior: Una revisión sistemática sobre la percepción del estudiante]), Revista de Investigacion Educativa, .

Segura-Robles, A., Fuentes-Cabrera, A., Parra-González, M.E., López-Belmonte, J. . Effects on Personal Factors Through Flipped Learning and Gamification as Combined Methodologies in Secondary Education), Frontiers in Psychology, .

Sánchez, S.P., Belmonte, J.L., Cabrera, A.F., Núñez, J.A.L. . Gamification as a methodological complement to flipped learning—an incident factor in learning improvement), Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, .

López-Belmonte, J., Parra-González, M.E., Segura-Robles, A., Pozo-Sánchez, S. . Scientific mapping of gamification in web of science), Sustainability (Switzerland), .

Reyes, E., Gálvez, J.C., Enfedaque, A. . Learning course: Application of gamification in teaching construction and building materials subjects), Education Sciences, .

Beltran, J., Sanchez, H., Rico, M. . Gamification to motivate the development of autonomous tasks in the university : Case study: Central University of Ecuador | [Gamificacion para motivar el desarrollo de tareas autonomas en la universidad Caso de estudio: Universidad Central del Ecuador]), Prisma Social, .

Almela-Baeza, J., Febrero, B., Pérez-Manzano, A., Bonache-Ibáñez, A., Ramírez, P. . Audiovisual content to promote women scientists on the youtube channels of spanish biosanitary research institutes), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .

Arie Sandy, T., Ulfa, S., Wedi, A. . Use of Gamification in Indonesian for Non-Native Speakers (BIPA)), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, .

Quílez-Cervero, C., Diez-Ojeda, M., Gallego, A.A.L., Queiruga-Dios, M.Á. . Has the stereotype of the scientist changed in early primary school-aged students due to COVID-19?), Education Sciences, .

Ruiz-Bañuls, M., Gómez-Trigueros, I.M., Rovira-Collado, J., Rico-Gómez, M.L. . Gamification and transmedia in interdisciplinary contexts: A didactic intervention for the primary school classroom), Heliyon, .

Tanouri, A., Kennedy, A.-M., Veer, E. . A conceptual framework for transformative gamification services), Journal of Services Marketing, .

Fraga-Varela, F., Vila-Couñago, E., Martínez-Piñeiro, E. . The impact of serious games in mathematics fluency: A study in Primary Education | [Impacto de los juegos serios en la fluidez matemática: Un estudio en Educación Primaria]), Comunicar, .

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Havrilova, L., Beskorsa, O., Oriekhova, V., Khmarna, L.. Transmedia educational project as a method of developing music teacher’ transmedia competence), Music Education Research, .

González-Limón, M., Rodríguez-Ramos, A., Padilla-Carmona, M.T.. Gamification as a methodological strategy at the University. The case of BugaMAP: students' perceptions and evaluations ), 10.12795/PIXELBIT.90394, .

Almela-Baeza, J., Febrero, B., Alconchel, F., Pérez-Manzano, A., Ramírez, P. . Film Creation for Education on Concepts Related to Religion, Immigration, and Legislation in the Field of Organ Donation and Transplantation), Transplantation Proceedings, .

Almela-Baeza, J., Febrero, B., Alconchel, F., Bonache-Ibáñez, A., Ramírez, P.. The Audiovisual Creation in Educational Proposals on Organ Donation: Attitude Towards Organ Donation and Transplantation of Secondary School Teachers), Transplantation Proceedings, .

Marín, J.A.M., Soto, M.N.C., Navas-Parejo, M.R., García, G.G. . Gamification as a Motivational and Socio-educational Resource in Classrooms with Students at Risk of Social Exclusion), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, .

Oliveira, R.P., de Souza, C.G., Reis, A.D.C., de Souza, W.M.. Gamification in e-learning and sustainability: A theoretical framework), Sustainability, .

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Torres-Martín, J.L., Castro-Martínez, A., Díaz-Morilla, P.. TRANSMEDIA METHODOLOGY IN AUDIOVISUAL COMMUNICATION DEGREES IN SPAIN), Index.comunicacion, .

Citas en Google Scholar

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Cómo citar

Pérez-Manzano, A., & Almela-Baeza, J. (2018). Gamification and transmedia for scientific promotion and for encouraging scientific careers in adolescents. [Gamificación transmedia para la divulgación científica y el fomento de vocaciones procientíficas en adolescentes]. Comunicar, 55, 93-103.



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