Ключевые слова

Quantitative research, gifted students, secondary education, curricular adaptation, competence, talent, abilities, personalized learning


During the last decades, high intellectual abilities have been revealed as a decisive curricular factor that evidences the need to adapt content to students' characteristics. In Spain, various autonomous communities have designed programs that, through extraordinary activities, seek to respond to this demand and provide talented students with the appropriate context for the development and strengthening of their skills. In the case of Madrid, this proposal includes private involvement of an entrepreneurial nature that has demonstrated the possible connection between the two environments when considering the labor asset, fundamentally oriented to the resolution of projects by adolescent subjects with above average cognitive capacities. This research has examined, by means of a 180º questionnaire completed by 342 subjects (comprised of parents and skilled children, teachers and classmates) in seven Madrid schools, the possibility of identifying the ‘eagerness to achieve’ competence, considering that its early distinction enables its development in educational contexts and the training of students in order to promote individuals who focus their professional work towards the completion of assigned activities. The results obtained have also made it possible to draw up a generic profile of the talented student by combining his or her own assessments and those of his or her environment, and to recognize their most highly valued inherent aptitudes as well as those least valued.

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Moller-Recondo, Claudia; D'aAmato, Juan-Pablo;. New genius-entrepreneurs: Itinerary and trajectories of university educational excellence COMUNICAR , 2020.


de la Torre, EH and Montano, MJN. Answer Without Exclusion to the Educational Needs of Gifted Students REICE-REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA SOBRE CALIDAD EFICACIA Y CAMBIO EN EDUCACION, 2000.


Facho, TB; Relaiza, HRS and Garcia, UC. Achievement of competencies in the learning process during times of COVID-19 PROPOSITOS Y REPRESENTACIONES, 2000.


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Möller-Recondo, C., DAmato, J.-P. . New genius-entrepreneurs: Itinerary and trajectories of university educational excellence), Comunicar, .


Galustyan, O.V., Solyankin, A.V., Skripkina, A.V., (...), Semeshkina, T.V., Ledeneva, A.V. . Application of blended learning for formation of project competence of future engineers), International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, .


Suelves, D.M., Rodríguez, M.M.C., Chacón, J.P., Rodríguez, J. . Bibliometric research in technology-mediated learning with high capacity students | [Investigación bibliométrica en aprendizaje mediado por tecnología con alumnado de altas capacidades]), Revista Brasileira de Educacao Especial, .


de la Torre, E.H., Navarro Montaño, M.J. . Answer without exclusion to the educational needs of gifted students | [Responder sin exclusiones a las necesidades educativas de las altas capacidades]), REICE. Revista Iberoamericana Sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educacion, .


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Galustyan, O. V., Solyankin, A. V., Skripkina, A. V., Shchurov, E. A., Semeshkina, T. V., & Ledeneva, A. V. (2020). Application of Blended Learning for Formation of Project Competence of Future Engineers. iJEP, 10(3), 106-113.


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Möller-Recondo, C. (2020). Nuevos genios-emprendedores: Itinerario y trayectorias de excelencia educativa universitaria. Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación, 28(64), 73-83.


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de la Torre, E. H., & Montaño, M. J. N. Responder Sin Exclusiones a las Necesidades Educativas de las Altas Capacidades. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación.


Marín Suelves, D., Castro Rodríguez, M. M., Peirats Chacón, J., & Rodríguez, J. (2020). Investigación bibliométrica en aprendizaje mediado por tecnología en alumnado de Altas Capacidades. Revista Brasileira de Educacao Especial, 2020, vol. 26, num. 2, p. 229-246.


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Facho, T. B., & Relaiza, H. R. S. M. (2021). Logro de competencias en el proceso de aprendizaje durante tiempos del COVID-19. Propósitos y Representaciones, 9(1), 1175.


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Альтернативные метрики

Как процитировать

García-Guardia, M., Ayestarán-Crespo, R., López-Gómez, J., & Tovar-Vicente, M. (2019). Educating the gifted student: Eagerness to achieve as a curricular competence. [Educar y formar al alumno talentoso: El afán de logro como competencia curricular]. Comunicar, 60, 19-28. https://doi.org/10.3916/C60-2019-02



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