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引述 Web of Science
Morato-Beltran, Carolina; Lopez-Martin, Alvaro; . Media Literacy in Secondary Education Uses and strategies in the province of Malaga (Spain) El grado de competencia mediatica en la ciudadania andaluza, 2021.
Urbano, R and Aguaded, I. Positioning of children's transmedia franchises. Cleo & Cuquin and Piny case studies Doxa Comunicacion, 2022.
Cadavid, DAG. Challenges and pedagogical strategies in school teaching with digital media PRAXIS & SABER, 2022.
Morato-Beltran, C; Lopez-Martin, A and Romero, LL. Teaching and learning with the media in Secondary Education in Malaga Revista Fuentes, 2022.
Cadavid, DAG and Garcia, DAF. Learning derived from the implementation of a pedagogical device in remote teaching conditions by Covid-19 PRAXIS-COLOMBIA, 2023.
引述 Scopus
Quezada-Tello, L., Hernando-Gómez, Á., Vázquez-Aguado, O.. Transmedia Narratives Applied by Communication Students in the Dissemination of Cultural Heritage ), VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review , .
Urbano, R., Aguaded, I.. Positioning of children’s transmedia franchises. Cleo & Cuquín and Piny case studies ), Doxa Comunicacion, .
Quezada-Tello, L., Cappello, G., Longhi-Heredia, S.A., Hernando-Gómez, Á.. Museums and the Pandemic: Strategies for the Educommunication of Heritage), Human Review. International Humanities Review, .
Ceballos-Sepúlveda, J.C., Vélez-Carvajal, J.D. . School media as significant processes in educational institutions in Medellín and Montería ), Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Ninez y Juventud, .
Morató-Beltrá, C., López-Martí, Á., López Romero, L. . Teaching and learning with the media in Secondary Education in Malaga ), Revista Fuentes, .
引述 Google Scholar
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