
Digital media, political talk, political participation, public sphere, young people, university students


In a predominantly digital communicative context, the political practices of young university students are relevant for the vitality of public spheres and the consolidation of participatory democracy. The objective of this study was to learn how the use of digital media relates to the political talk and participation practices of university students. Using quota sampling, a survey was conducted among 435 undergraduate students residing in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey, Mexico, during the second semester of 2020. Among these students with favorable access to digital media, positive correlations with small to moderate and statistically significant magnitudes were found between the various uses of digital media and their political practices. News use was moderately correlated with political talk, as was social use with politically motivated activities, and creative use with all forms of participation. Political talk mainly affected the relationship between participation and news use. These findings support the relevance of the active role of young people in their political socialization, as social interaction and content creation were more closely correlated with political participation than news consumption was, which was more beneficial to participation when articulated through political talk.

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Technical information

Received: 26-02-2021

Revised: 14-03-2021

Accepted: 27-04-2021

OnlineFirst: 15-06-2021

Publication date: 01-10-2021

Article revision time: 16 days | Average time revision issue 69: 30 days

Article acceptance time: 60 days | Average time of acceptance issue 69: 69 days

Preprint editing time: 172 days | Average editing time preprint issue 69: 181 days

Article editing time: 217 days | Average editing time issue 69: 226 days


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Cites in Web of Science

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Belli, S; Revilla, JC; (...); Puyod, AG. Discourse frames of an emergent environmental movement and its impact of social media REVISTA ESPANOLA DE SOCIOLOGIA , 2022.

Lopez-Gil, K and Sarrias, AS. Citizen participation and critical digital literacy of university students REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIA EDUCATIVA-RELATEC, 2023.

Cites in Scopus

Rodríguez, L.M.. Users’ participation forms on the digital press. Cubadebate as case study),, .

Belli, S., Revilla, J.C., Díez, S.S., Puyod, A.G.. Discourse frames of an emergent environmental movement and its impact of social media), Revista Espanola de Sociologia, .

Cites in Google Scholar

Garrido Ledezma, H. (2022). Uso de Twitter y desarrollo de Compromiso Político 2.0: el caso de los candidatos a gobernador de Nuevo León en 2015 (Doctoral dissertation, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León).

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How to cite

Maltos-Tamez, A., Martínez-Garza, F., & Miranda-Villanueva, O. (2021). Digital media and university political practices in the public sphere. [Medios digitales y prácticas políticas universitarias en la esfera pública]. Comunicar, 69, 45-55.



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