
COVID-19, serious game, usability, interactive scenario, situated-based learning, self-protection


The number of new COVID-19 cases continues to rise rapidly in many countries despite vaccination. The best way to counter the spread of COVID-19 is self-protection. This study documents the development of a web-based serious game (WSG-COVID-19.SP) to promote effective learning strategies for self-protection against COVID-19 and to test the game’s content validity and usability. WSG-COVID-19.SP was developed using situated learning theory and diagnostic feedback mechanism. The game includes six situation storylines with 17 learning objectives. It uses a problem-solving approach to foster practices such as wearing masks, washing hands, and social distancing. Portfolio analysis was used to diagnose learning problems and report on the learning process. An overall summary index—the scale-level content validity index (S-CVI)—was used to evaluate content validity. Usability was tested through a website survey from 71 students from one university to gauge their technological acceptance and the game’s capability to promote future self-protection behaviors. The S-CVI was 0.81. Usability and acceptability were neither related to the users’ college major (whether it is information technology-related) nor to gender. Among the respondents, 84.5% agreed to continue with the self-protection practice as they were motivated by the real-time diagnostic function. The WSG-COVID-19.SP game system has adequate content validity and a high user satisfaction rating.

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Technical information

Received: 14-02-2021

Revised: 02-03-2021

Accepted: 28-04-2021

OnlineFirst: 15-06-2021

Publication date: 01-10-2021

Article revision time: 16 days | Average time revision issue 69: 30 days

Article acceptance time: 73 days | Average time of acceptance issue 69: 69 days

Preprint editing time: 184 days | Average editing time preprint issue 69: 181 days

Article editing time: 229 days | Average editing time issue 69: 226 days


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Cited by

Cites in Web of Science

Yucra-Quispe, LM; Espinoza-Montoya, C; (...); Aguaded, I. From consumers to prosumers: the transmedia storytelling in two mobile games for adolescents and young people REVISTA DE COMUNICACION-PERU, 2022.

Dadaczynski, K; Tolks, D; (...); Fischer, F. The untapped potential of Games for Health in times of crises. A critical reflection FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, 2023.

Kermavnar, T; Visch, VT and Desmet, PMA. Games in Times of a Pandemic: Structured Overview of COVID-19 Serious Games JMIR SERIOUS GAMES, 2023.

Cites in Scopus

Yucra-Quispe, L.-M., Espinoza-Montoya, C., Nunez-Pacheco, R., Aguaded, I. . From consumers to prosumers: the transmedia storytelling in two mobile games for adolescents and young people | [De consumidores a prosumidores: la narrativa transmedia en dos juegos moviles para adolescentes y jovenes]), Revista de Comunicacion, .

Paredes-Otero, G. . Immersive journalism in times of pandemic. Comparative study between newsgames and interactive journalistic narratives to report on Covid-19 ), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, .

Link Google Scholar

Dadaczynski, K., Tolks, D., Wrona, K.J., Mc Call, T., Fischer, F.. The untapped potential of Games for Health in times of crises. A critical reflection), Frontiers in Public Health, .

Kermavnar, T., Visch, V.T., Desmet, P.M.A.. Games in Times of a Pandemic: Structured Overview of COVID-19 Serious Games), JMIR Serious Games, .

Cites in Google Scholar

Yucra-Quispe, L. M., Espinoza-Montoya, C., Núñez-Pacheco, R., & Aguaded, I. (2022). De consumidores a prosumidores: la narrativa transmedia en dos juegos móviles para adolescentes y jóvenes. Revista de Comunicación, 21(1), 433-450.


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How to cite

Su, J., Yang, Y., Weng, T., Li, M., & Wang, C. (2021). A web-based serious game about self-protection for COVID-19 prevention: Development and usability testing. [Juegos serios en web para la auto-protección y prevención del COVID-19: Desarrollo y pruebas de usabilidad]. Comunicar, 69, 91-111.



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