


对未来的研究从对未来富有成效的形象和与之合作方式的开发的角度提出了一个想法和安排。尽管已经有多个相关研究将这些方法付诸于教育界的不同方面,但它仍然是一个有待发展的领域。本文的中心目标是揭示和讨论未来教育研究的最新进展和国际学术贡献。为此,我们使用 Web of Science 和 Scopus 数据库对2012 年至 2022 年间发表的文章进行了系统回顾。最初样本为 437 篇文章,通过应用排除标准,我们减少至50篇直接将未来研究与教育问题联系起来的文章作为样本。调查结果表明,这些出版物提出的教育建议在理论研究和实证研究之间起到了平衡,并且集中发表于某些特定国家特定专业期刊,此外,在社会科学之外的多学科性受到了限制。同样,我们发现这些研究中不存在预测方法和负面观点。最终我们得出的结论是,未来素养是使对未来的研究的理念更接近教育领域的关键因素,对未来的研究有助于改变教育中的工作方式和对未来的概念化,并促进变革的动力。



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引述 Web of Science

Acevedo-Duque, A; Prado-Sabido, T; (...); Armas, HMA. Postgraduate Trends in the Training of Human Talent for Sustainable Development Sustainability, 2022.


Aroca, JAS; Abellan, PM and Lopez, SMD. Teachers' Professional Development and Intelligent Ways of Coping with It: A Systematic Review in Elementary and Middle School Education JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENCE, 2023.


Carrete-Marin, N and Donet, FB. Interdisciplinary approaches to physical education: A systematic review RETOS-NUEVAS TENDENCIAS EN EDUCACION FISICA DEPORTE Y RECREACION, 2023.

Link Google Scholar

Hamedani, EY; Demneh, MT; (...); Abedini, Y. Educational futures: Alternative scenarios for the primary school curriculum POLICY FUTURES IN EDUCATION, 2023.


引述 Scopus

Salmerón Aroca, J.A., Moreno Abellán, P., Martínez de Miguel López, S.. Teachers’ Professional Development and Intelligent Ways of Coping with It: A Systematic Review in Elementary and Middle School Education), Journal of Intelligence, .


Acevedo-Duque, Á., Prado-Sabido, T., García-Salirrosas, E.E., (...), Valle Palomino, N., Aguilar Armas, H.M.. Postgraduate Trends in the Training of Human Talent for Sustainable Development), Sustainability, .


Carrete-Marín, N., Donet, F.B.. Interdisciplinary approaches to physical education: A systematic review), Retos, .


Yousefi Hamedani, E., Taheri Demneh, M., Nasr-Isfahani, A.R., Abedini, Y.. Educational futures: Alternative scenarios for the primary school curriculum), Policy Futures in Education, .


引述 Google Scholar



Acevedo-Duque, Á., Prado-Sabido, T., García-Salirrosas, E. E., Fernández Mantilla, M. M., Vera Calmet, V. G., Valle Palomino, N., & Aguilar Armas, H. M. (2022). Postgraduate Trends in the Training of Human Talent for Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 14(21), 14356.




JA Salmerón Aroca, P Moreno Abellán…Teachers' Professional Development and Intelligent Ways of Coping with It: A Systematic Review in Elementary and Middle School EducationJournal of …, 2023 - mdpi.com


Enfoques interdisciplinarios en educación física: una revisión sistemática N Carrete-Marín - … tendencias en educación física, deporte y …, 2023 - dialnet.unirioja.es





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