


本文汇集了对未来和设计方法的研究,为教育领域的前瞻性分析提出了一个新的建议。我们将混合研究方法与设计方法相结合,为研究未来情景中趋势的演变、影响和行为开辟了新途径。我们的研究基于对来自次级资料的定性数据的分析和对专家的采访,我们使用适用于不受控制的互联网数据环境的模糊逻辑模型将其转化为定量数据。我们的目标是验证 DEFLEXOR 方法的有效性,该方法解决了根据使用在各个领域检测到的大趋势定义的未来场景来识别教育机会的需求。我们的结论强调,将定性和定量方法与设计思维的方法论原则相结合,与专家创造性反思的自动计算的使用共存,构成了开发特定前瞻性研究的强大方法论结构。



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引述 Web of Science

Acevedo-Duque, A; Prado-Sabido, T; (...); Armas, HMA. Postgraduate Trends in the Training of Human Talent for Sustainable Development Sustainability, 2022.


Clares-Clares, E and Gomez-Marmol, A. Influence of performance in Spanish language and literature on physical education and music grades FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION, 2022.


Quintero, FAL; Zambrano, LMV and Calderon, MGM. Diffusion of knowledge in the social area digital editorial initiative of open access ETIC NET-REVISTA CIENTIFICA ELECTRONICA DE EDUCACION Y COMUNICACION EN LA SOCIEDAD DEL CONOCIMIENTO, 2023.


Manetti, A; Lara-Navarra, P and Sanchez-Navarro, J. Possibilities for futurecasting: designing a digital map of trends ARTNODES, 2022.


引述 Scopus

Acevedo-Duque, Á., Prado-Sabido, T., García-Salirrosas, E.E., (...), Valle Palomino, N., Aguilar Armas, H.M.. Postgraduate Trends in the Training of Human Talent for Sustainable Development), Sustainability, .


Clares-Clares, E., Gómez-Mármol, A. . Influence of performance in Spanish language and literature on physical education and music grades ), Frontiers in Education, .


Manetti, A., Lara-Navarra, P., Sánchez-Navarro, J.. Possibilities for futurecasting: designing a digital map of trends), Artnodes, .


Filimonyuk, L., Ivashova, V., Burlyaeva, V., Demchenko, N., Sorokina, E.. Development of an up-to-date competency profile of the head of the university educational program), E3S Web of Conferences , .


引述 Google Scholar



Postgraduate Trends in the Training of Human Talent for Sustainable Development Á Acevedo-Duque, T Prado-Sabido… - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com


Possibilities for futurecasting: designing a digital map of trends A Manetti, P Lara-Navarra, J Sánchez-Navarro - Artnodes, 2022 - raco.cat





Manetti, A., Lara-Navarra, P., & Sánchez-Navarro, J. (2022). Design process for the generation of future education scenarios. [El proceso de diseño para la generación de escenarios futuros educativos]. Comunicar, 73, 33-44. https://doi.org/10.3916/C73-2022-03



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