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收到: 29-05-2022
修订: 15-06-2022
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引述 Web of Science
Al-Saif, HF and Al-Dossari, HZ. Exploring the Role of Emotions in Arabic Rumor Detection in Social Media APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2023.
引述 Scopus
Al-Saif, H.F., Al-Dossari, H.Z.. Exploring the Role of Emotions in Arabic Rumor Detection in Social Media ), Applied Sciences, .
Suing, A., Ordóñez, K., Lomas, P. . Verification of the Public Discourse and Accountability of Mayors on Local TV: The Case of Ecuador), Studies in Media and Communication, .
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引述 Google Scholar
Verification of the Public Discourse and Accountability of Mayors on Local TV: The Case of Ecuador A Suing, K Ordóñez, P Lomas -
Using YouTube to seek answers and make decisions: Implications for Australian adult media and information literacy T Notley, M Dezuanni, S Chambers… - …, 2023 - …
Exploring the Role of Emotions in Arabic Rumor Detection in Social Media HF Al-Saif, HZ Al-Dossari - Applied Sciences, 2023 -
Uso de YouTube para buscar respuestas y tomar decisiones: Implicaciones de la alfabetización mediática e informacional en adultos australianos T Notley, M Dezuanni, S Chambers… - … de comunicación y …, 2023 -
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