
Risks on the Internet, adolescence, pornography, copyright, piracy, plagiarism


Access to youth culture by adolescents has changed as new communication technologies have found new ways of offering media content to viewers. Adolescents today access more content more frequently. However, the greater their exposure, the higher the likelihood of this leading to risk behaviors such as access to pornography, plagiarism, piracy and copyright violation. The aim of the present study is, therefore, to determine the frequency of these risk behaviors linked to the Internet content accessed and downloaded by minors, analyzing this variable in accordance with gender, age and context (Spain, Italy and Greece). We analyzed the responses provided by 2,529 adolescents (1,264 girls/1,262 boys) aged between 10 and 17 years from Spain, Italy and Greece. In general, adolescent boys, especially those aged 16 and 17 years, reported engaging more frequently in risk behaviors, particularly in reference to accessing youth culture content. Likewise, in terms of context, the highest means were observed among participants from Attica (Greece) and the Madrid Region (Spain), whereas the lowest means were observed in the Marche Region (Italy) and Navarre (Spain). The results revealed statistically significant differences in terms of gender, age and context. Thereby, they highlight the importance of focusing on media education from a gender perspective.

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Received: 20-12-2022

Revised: 11-01-2023

Accepted: 23-02-2023

OnlineFirst: 30-05-2023

Publication date: 01-07-2023

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Cuervo-Sánchez, S.L., & Etxague, I. (2023). The four P's on the Internet: Pornography, plagiarism, piracy and permission. [Las cuatro P en Internet: Pornografía, plagio, piratería y permisos]. Comunicar, 76, 85-96.



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