Ключевые слова
Text analysis, ancient texts, song culture, Greek hero, multimedia annotation, MOOC, self-assessment, tagging ontology, semantic tagging
Evidence for annotating Homeric poetry in Ancient Greece is as old as the 5th Century BCE, when the «Iliad» and «Odyssey» were performed by professional singers/composers who also performed annotations to the poetry in answer to questions from their audiences. As the long transition from a song culture into a literate society took place in Ancient Greece from the 8th to the 2nd and 1st centuries BCE, annotations were gradually incorporated into written poetic texts. By the 10th Century CE, the quantity of written annotations in the margins of medieval manuscripts has become huge. For the first two versions of «The Ancient Hero», a HarvardX MOOC, it was not possible to implement the set of annotation tools that we requested as a vehicle for close reading and assessment. Using a partial system, we were able to create a semblance of annotations in close reading self-assessment exercises. For the anticipated third version, we expect to have a complete set of textual and video annotation tools developed for HarvardX, including semantic tagging and full sharing of annotations. Such a system, which promises to make the educational experience more effective, will also inaugurate a digital phase in the long history of Homeric annotation.
Link DOI | Link Google Scholar
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Получила: 29-04-2014
пересмотренный: 13-06-2014
Принятый: 21-06-2014
OnlineFirst: 15-11-2014
Дата публикации: 01-01-2015
Время пересмотра статьи: 45 дней | Среднее время пересмотра вопроса 44: 37 дней
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Цитаты в Web of Science
Lemos-de-Carvalho-Junior, Giovani; Raposo-Rivas, Manuela; Cebrian-de-la-Serna, Manuel; Sarmiento-Campos, Jose A.. Analysis of the pedagogical perspective of the MOOCs available in Portuguese REVISTA ESPANOLA DE PEDAGOGIA, 2017.
Belen Perez-Torregrosa, Ana; Diaz-Martin, Cristina; Ibanez-Cubillas, Pilar. The use of Video annotation tools in teacher training Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2017.
Sanchez Vera, Ma del Mar; Gonzalez Calatayud, Victor; Prendes Espinosa, Maria Paz. The MOOC and student assessment: systematic review (2012-2016) ATTIC-REVISTA D INNOVACIO EDUCATIVA, 2017.
Цитаты в Scopus
Lemos-De-Carvalho, G., Jr., Raposo-Rivas, M., Cebrián-De-La-Serna, M., Sarmiento-Campos, J.A.. Analysis of the pedagogical perspective of the MOOCs available in Portuguese [Análisis de la perspectiva pedagógica de los MOOC ofertados en lengua portuguesa]), Revista Espanola de Pedagogia, .
Garrido Gómez, M.I.. The communicability in MOOC, its strengthen by the multimedia annotations [La comunicabilidad en los MOOC y su potenciación mediante las anotaciones multimedia]), Opcion, .
Cebrián-de-la-Serna, M., Gallego-Arrufat, M.J., Cebrián-Robles, V. . Multimedia Annotations for Practical Collaborative Reasoning), Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, .
Цитаты в Google Scholar
Lemos-de-Carvalho-Júnior, G., Raposo-Rivas, M., Cebrían-de-la-Serna, M., & Sarmiento-Campos, J. A. (2017). Análisis de la perspectiva pedagógica de los MOOC ofertados en lengua portuguesa.
Lemos-de-Carvalho-Junior, G., Raposo-Rivas, M., Cebrian-de-la-Serna, M., & A. SARMIENTO-CAMPOS, J. (2017). Análisis de la perspectiva pedagógica de los MOOC ofertados en lengua portuguesa/Analysis of the pedagogical perspective of the MOOCs available in Portuguese. revista española de pedagogía, 101-119.
Robles, V. C. capítulo 2. lasanotacIonesenInternet: el Ágora dIgItal grIego.
Rey, F. J. R., & Robles, D. C. capítulo 1. oVa: una herramIenta.
Vera, M. D. M. S., Calatayud, V. G., & Espinosa, M. P. P. (2017). Los MOOC y la evaluación del alumnado: revisión sistemática (2012-2016). @ tic. revista d'innovació educativa, (18), 65.
Vera, M. D. M. S., Calatayud, V. G., & Espinosa, M. P. P. The MOOC and student assessment: systematic review (2012-2016). @ tic revista d'innovació educativa, (18), 65.
Robles, V. C. capítulo 2. lasanotacIonesenInternet: el Ágora dIgItal grIego.
Rey, F. J. R., & Robles, D. C. capítulo 1. oVa: una herramIenta.
Pérez-Torregrosa, A. B., Díaz-Martín, C., & Ibáñez-Cubillas, P. (2017). The use of video annotation tools in teacher training. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 237, 458-464.
Ortiz Jiménez, J. G. MOOCS: miradas críticas desde la pedagogía.
Gómez, M. I. G. (2015). La comunicabilidad en los MOOC y su potenciación mediante las anotaciones multimedia. Opción, 31(3), 528-540.
VASSALLO, L. Il Vangelo secondo Giovanni Il Vangelo secondo Giovanni come testo aurale.
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Как процитировать
Muellner, L. (2015). Annotations and the ancient greek hero: Past, present, and future. [Anotaciones y el héroe griego antiguo: Pasado, presente y futuro]. Comunicar, 44, 45-53.