
Ключевые слова

Advertising, online advertising, advertising strategies, Internet, childhood, games, content analysis, digital skills


The online space is rich in playful experiences and can provide many pleasures and lessons to their younger users. However, it is true that children cannot always handle the advertising noise and other adverse effects resulting from excessive or inappropriate use of technology and particularly the game pages. This article aims to confirm the advertising pressure that affects children in Brazil and Spain when playing on Internet game pages. Measuring advertising pressure in online games by the theoretical and methodological framework for content analysis applied to the game pages visited by a group of Brazilian and Spanish children 9 to 11 years. This research showed that online games are occupied by a considerable amount of publicity, which repeatedly blocks access and disrupts key moments of young players with unwanted or not interesting messages. Like in television programming we must put more attention on quality and the amount of ads in online playing. So if there is a concern with the commercial content of children's programming on television similar reasons demand prompt and adequate attention to those games pages. Abusive ads damage advertiser’s reputation, affects gaming experiences and disturb the playtime. Game managers, advertisers, educators and families may use children opinions that are actually successful.


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Техническая спецификация

Получила: 29-10-2014

пересмотренный: 02-12-2014

Принятый: 17-01-2015

OnlineFirst: 15-04-2015

Дата публикации: 01-07-2015

Время пересмотра статьи: 34 дней | Среднее время пересмотра вопроса 45: 46 дней

Время принятия статьи: 80 дней | Время приема Номер 45: 127 дней

Время редактирования препринта: 200 дней | Выпуск препринта среднего времени редактирования 45: 247 дней

Время редактирования статьи: 245 дней | Среднее время редактирования журнала 45: 292 дней


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Tatlow-Golden, Mimi; Garde, Amandine;. Digital food marketing to children: Exploitation, surveillance and rights violations GLOBAL FOOD SECURITY-AGRICULTURE POLICY ECONOMICS AND ENVIRONMENT , 2020.

Feijoo, Beatriz; Bugueno, Simon; Sadaba, Charo;. Parents' and children's perception on social media advertising COMUNICAR , 2021.

Martinez, Carolina. The struggles of everyday life: How children view and engage with advertising in mobile games CONVERGENCE-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH INTO NEW MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES, 2019.

Tejedor Calvo, Santiago; Montoliu Riu, Laia. Theoretical proposal of systematization, storage and retrieval of data concerning Websites of third sector organizations: the Colombian and the Catalan case TRANSINFORMACAO, 2019.

Цитаты в Scopus

Calvo, S.T., Riu, L.M.. Theoretical proposal of systematization, storage, retrieval of data concerning Websites of third sector organizations: The Colombian, the Catalan case [Propuesta teórica para la sistematización, archivo y recuperación de los datos de los sitios Web de entidades del tercer sector: El caso Colombia – Cataluña1]), Transinformacao, .

Martínez, C.. The struggles of everyday life: How children view, engage with advertising in mobile games), Convergence, .

Feijoo, D.B., Bugueño, S., Sádaba, D.C., García-González, D.A. . Parents' and children's perception on social media advertising), Comunicar, .

Tatlow-Golden, M., Garde, A. . Digital food marketing to children: Exploitation, surveillance and rights violations), Global Food Security, .

Feijoo, B., Sádaba, C.. When mobile advertising is interesting: interaction of minors with ads and influencers’ sponsored content on social media), Communication and Society, .

Цитаты в Google Scholar

Martínez, C. (2017). The struggles of everyday life: How children view and engage with advertising in mobile games. Convergence, 1354856517743665.

MARTÍNEZ, C. Targeting Children Online.

Fernandes, L. K. (2018). Infância urbana e novas tecnologias: uma análise pela perspectiva da criança.

Fernandes, L. K., & Ferreira, J. (2017). Infância e tecnologia: um panorama metodológico das pesquisas qualitativas na área. CIAIQ 2017, 1. FERNANDES, Larissa Krüger; FERREIRA, Jane. Infância e tecnologia: um panorama metodológico das pesquisas qualitativas na área. CIAIQ 2017, 2017, vol. 1. Fernandes, Larissa Krüger, and Jane Ferreira. "Infância e tecnologia: um panorama metodológico das pesquisas qualitativas na área." CIAIQ 2017 1 (2017). BibTeX EndNote RefMan RefWorks

CALVO, S. T., & RIU, L. M. (2019). Theoretical proposal of systematization, storage and retrieval of data concerning Websites of third sector organizations: the Colombian and the Catalan case. Transinformação, 31.



Альтернативные метрики

Как процитировать

Marti-Pellón, D., & Saunders, P. (2015). Children’s exposure to advertising on games sites in Brazil and Spain. [Exposición infantil a anuncios en webs de juegos de Brasil y de España]. Comunicar, 45, 169-177.



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