
Media literacy, audiovisual language, interactivity, creation, arts


Audiovisual language keeps on improving. Images reign, and represent us. Furthermore, the technological development already allows global interactive communication. In this context, educating the sight and the audiovisual writing comes to be the key. “Emotions x Minute” is a workshop for audiovisual communication which is presented as a game and starts from the wish of expressing. It is based on two ideas: the personal experience and learning by practicing. Once finished, the participants declare two important things: first, they now watch television in a different way, and second, they finish keeping something in their hands, their minute.



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Hernandez Alfonso, Eduardo Alejandro; Paz Enrique, Luis Ernesto. DOCUMENT PROPOSAL FOR THE CREATION OF COMMUNITY TV REVISTA COMUNICACION, 2017.

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Soto-Romero, M. (2008). Educating the sight and the audiovisual writing. [Educar la mirada y la escritura audiovisual]. Comunicar, 31.



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