
Adolescence, quantitative analysis, media consumption, digital context, secondary education, social function, information


In today’s context of media proliferation and increasing access to diverse media content, it becomes necessary to address young people’s motivation to consume information. Researching this age group is relevant given that adolescence is a key period in people’s civic socialization. This study explores how 13 to 17 year old Chileans consume news, in a multiple-platform, convergent and mobile media context. There are few studies that focus on the information habits of this particular age group. Using a quantitative self-administered questionnaire applied to 2,273 high school adolescents from four different regions in the country, this paper analyses participants’ news consumption habits, their interest in news, their perception about the importance of different topics, and their motivations to being informed. The results show that surveyed teenagers access information mainly via social media like Facebook, to the detriment of traditional media. These adolescents are least interested in traditional politics, but they think this is the most prominent topic in the news. Their motivations to consume news have to do with their wish to be able to defend their points of view and deliver information to others. Also, they think that their portrayal in the news agenda is both inadequate and negative. These findings suggest that the news industry has a pending debt with young audiences.


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Received: 30-11-2013

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Cites in Web of Science

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How to cite

Condeza-Dall’Orso, A., Bachmann-Cáceres, I., & Mujica-Holley, C. (2014). News consumption among Chilean adolescents: Interest, motivations and perceptions on the news agenda. [El consumo de noticias de los adolescentes chilenos: Intereses, motivaciones y percepciones sobre la agenda informativa]. Comunicar, 43, 55-64.



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