Palavras chave

Press, media, education, journalistc genres, narrative learning


In spite of the fact that the present curricula strengthen everything related to the attainment of a suitable level of writing, it can be frequently checked that the deficiencies of the students in tis scope perpetuaue for all their academic life, even reaching their university studies. The author of this paper establishes a teaching method of written texts in wich news, journalistic reports and narration are combined. Starting from the fact that between both journalistic genres and the literary narration there are a lot of similarities, three activities of gradual complexity are proposed, by means of which students can learn to make up, to arrange and to execute written texts.



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Leituras dos resumos: 36917

Descargas em PDF: 5049

Métricas completas do Comunicar 17

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Leituras dos resumos: 888087

Descargas em PDF: 122121

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Como citar

Pedroso-Herrera, T. (2001). Aprender a escribir con el periódico. Comunicar, 17, 103-109.



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