Palavras chave
Resarch, methodology, information and comunication media and technologies, cinema, culture
The consideration of cinema as a window to the far and unknown world is an interesting an atracttive methodological approach in media education worldwide. The author outlines the possibility to use this media as tools or ideological and cultural knowledge and describes a methological stategy of research from global outlooks, to the analysis, synthesis and finally the creative synthesis.
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Vistas: 34419
Leituras dos resumos: 29446
Descargas em PDF: 4973
Métricas completas do Comunicar 18
Vistas: 943491
Leituras dos resumos: 821264
Descargas em PDF: 122227
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Como citar
Martínez-Salanova-Sánchez, E. (2002). El cine, otra ventana al mundo. Comunicar, 18, 77-83.