
Media, education, messages analysis, educational guidance, media consumers


In such a complex society as present-day one, in which the global village that McLuhan suggested is a throbbing reality, it is necessary to consider the process of educational guidance as a valid tool to forewarn and restore to normal the possible maladjustments, in order to obtain balanced and intelligent media consumers who base their decisions on their knowledge of these media and of their codes and languages, on the learning of strategies of analysis amd decoding of messages and, in short, on the acquisition of the adequate capacities to know how to choose what is truly necessary and select and learn how to consume the different media and their messages in rational, active and critical way.


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Méndez-Garrido, J. (2002). Orientación, acción tutorial y educación en medios de comunicación. Comunicar, 18, 175-178.



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